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Thread: idear! join the army? what do you think?

  1. #1

    idear! join the army? what do you think?

    iv'e been thinking about this, what do you lot think?

    have an option that will ristrict a player to one side, this could be some kind of contract that you would buy from the shops.
    useing this would make the player unable to use the item that will change clan/nutrul-> omni and vicer-verca.

    a player that dus this, would be able to sign up with the loacal milisha (be it police, army or city guard etc.).

    the player migtht have to have to meet sertan stat levels, but would be given a compleate set of armour (uniform) + gun.

    prehaps the ability to cast helpfull spells on other guards would be good as well i think.

    i think this idear would be cool, but i'm having problems on what a player as a guard could do.

    i supose thay would get a wage,
    being sent to defend/attack a stratigic point might also be fun, but that would need some organisation.

    anyway, i'm not too shure if the ider is viable or not.
    so any iders or suggestions would be welcome.

  2. #2

    Red face

    People People.

    Lets gather up everyone who thinks there's a lack of war, events and such, and lets meet up ingame and talk! Perhaps we'll make a guild to change the Rubi-Ka world, perhaps we'll just leave there empty handed, but with an experience in our minds?

    I am mostly active just on RK2 though. This is just a suggestion, to squeez a little enjoyment and fun in this game.

  3. #3
    It wouldn't happen, there is nothing to defend because territory cannot be conquered and this game would need a real culture along with the ability for a character to actually live in the game world (its too RL-ish).
    Right now there is no culture outside of the game movies, and even that culture is terrible for the time period that the game takes place in.

  4. #4
    fair enuff, see what you mean...

    ah, ha! (light bulb apears above my head)
    but what if...

    in each city there is a machine that controls the supreshion field, (it's what thay use to make area's work etc.).

    if each city/outpost had a room set aside with the controls of the machine in.... (guarded, of cource)

    then, no, you would still not beable to take over a city, but if a large group of players got together and decided to attack an outpost/city, thay could do so. (or die trying).

    what ya think?


  5. #5
    First, you have completly distorted your origonal idea.

    Second, you are preparing to destroy every bit of ballence in this game, until people get used to it or leave that is.

    Have you ever gone to MMD for a few hours and seen the cheaters? the players that will kill you at the reclaim for the third time?
    That happens against other players, where the players petition and have the cheater punished. If this was used against guards so that player could use those cheats against everyone in a safe city...*shudders*...

    Then, you get the the in-city reclaim terminals where players have almost no HP and skills but still can be attacked.

    You can already attack cities, most of them are in 75% suppresion so the guards can be killed but the players can't.

    You have to remember that this is a game of the future with a fantasy plot and the humans of today playing it. This game has to be limited so people of today can play it and the computers of today can allow it to be played. full-scale attacks in the year 30,000ish do not follow either of those limits.

  6. #6


    Originally posted by Maxtor 1-7
    It wouldn't happen, there is nothing to defend because territory cannot be conquered and this game would need a real culture along with the ability for a character to actually live in the game world (its too RL-ish).
    Right now there is no culture outside of the game movies, and even that culture is terrible for the time period that the game takes place in.
    The game has potential to culture, we have politicians, workers, merchants, scouts, militia, weapon smiths, doctors etc...

    We just have to work around it, around the Rubi-Ka world today, and it's called RolePlay, and it's not even hard!

    Making a guild to gather those chosen ones who wants a 'culture' and discuss it, we could make it work! Or atleast try.
    Why make a guild? So we know who's playing with us on the idea.

    The powerhunger on Rubi-Ka is something that's destroying the game, I believe. I read people saying they're doing missions till they puke, for what? lvls, IP, xp, for what? What do they do when they're lvl200? Sure, make a new char and twink it. Evil circle if you ask me.

    "It's a game of fantasy" <- Have some fantasy then, do something about it.
    Malcom "Chamaelo" Ashwell - Ex-Immortal.
    Vanguard Adriaan "Demongun" Blackwind - Hermit.
    Jawquez "Jawalooc" Loocazt - Bounty Hunter.
    Michael "Mirkle" Kreble - Creep.
    Christopher "Xelger" Junior - Coffee Maker.

    Child Of The Omni - The Boy With The Kitten - Sleepless - The Storm/Breathe - Terminal

    "You've just got to keep writing, if that's what makes you happy,
    even when there is no indication anyone is actually reading your work." - Savoy


  7. #7
    maxtor 1-7,

    i think we have different views of what "roleplay" is.

    whats the point of having a war between clan and omni, if the only time thay fight, is in isolated places set aside for the purpus?

    i also think your gona have to be more spisific about what you mean by "unbalance"

    i realy feel sory for funcom, if the only response thay get from you lot is "i'm not gona tell you which bit i don't like, so i'm just gona say it's all crap"

    btw, idears are flexable, you can do anything with them (look iv'e just folded one up into the shape of a cat, see it purr? can you?)

    so the fact that one idear changes another isn't realy a scandle in my opinion.

    my first idear was to have player guards, you said that there would be nothing to guard.

    so my next idear was to have something to guard, you said that would "unbalance" the game.

    are you shure you want anything changed? or are you one of those peaple who specalizise in finding falt in things with no reason other than to point at some one and say "see, he/shes' wrong, that must meen that i'm right"?

    prehaps it's my own fault for trying to have a discushion with peaple who dont care anyways.


  8. #8
    Originally posted by wardivich

    i realy feel sory for funcom, if the only response thay get from you lot is "i'm not gona tell you which bit i don't like, so i'm just gona say it's all crap" I have an entire list, very long, full of ideas that I've found on this forum. It doesn't include BALANCE issues, but if people want those added they need to respond. If Funcom WANTS to add anything, they should be READING these boards.

    And whoever said we don't care?! We've been trying to get these things added for ages. Funcom just doesn't seem to be listening.

    But FC, if you are, come out and say it. We want to know...
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  9. #9
    i v'e read your list, and there are some verry good iders.

    but thay all seam to be on the decoration side of things.

    what i whant to see is a story line. now there are different ways that this can happen.

    1) an employee of funcome is paid to write storys, that change depending on what the players do (other wise we might as well read a book).

    2) the players create there own storys as thay do there own thing. i.e. players givern the freedom to make a change and effect the whole realm.

    the other way, is a mixture of the two, where ark members are allowed to play monsters, and interact with the players (prehaps with some loose direction from the story teller).

    i.e. the story teller decides that a group of bandits are going to start robing peaple as thay make there way between 2 city's.
    a group of "ark" monsters are assembled, playing a random level of charictor, lead by a "trusted " ark member who plays the head bandit.

    imagine a monster comeing up to you and saying "Give me 200 credits!" and you look at the grey bandit and decide whether to give him the cash, talk your way out of giving him cash or kill him/her/it and hope that there isn't any of his "red" frends hideing behind the hill with a big stick.

    if small groups are working all over, you could even have monsters working against each other with players in the midle..

    a rhinoman comes into town and begs you to help save his vilage..

    under cover police are trying to track down a group of bandits, the list could go on for (almost) ever.

    see what i did? i said, not only what i would like to see, but a posable way for the programers to implement it.

    it just gets me angry when i spend time going into things at that level, only to be told that it "wont work becouse...(insert genralised slang word here)."

    but then agian, i don't get hung up on what my charictors can/can't do, or who my charictors are beter / worse than, so prehaps i'm a minroity, in which case my views arn't inportant in a democratic world


  10. #10
    The tiny bit of culture that was put into the game is too much like what we have right now and have had in the past (arena? Give me a break!)
    This game needs its own culture; it is 28,000 years ahead of modern civilization and would be highly evolved. You probably wouldn't recognize the humans of that time as ever coming from Earth.

    There are dozens of reasons why you can't have a real war in this game, I'll list a few:
    1: The servers can't take the capacity of all the players in the same place at once, not to mention the extra lag from the fighting.
    2: anyone can respawn and get back into the battle, so the battle could last forever.
    3: anyone can alt-F4 their way out whenever they want to, which obviously can't be done in real life.
    4: The players will not be able to have any idea of what is happening and what to do because of the extreme lack of good senses and no recognition for leadership.
    5: Even if there is a leader for one side, they will not be able to tell people what to do properly because this is a turn-based game and range limits on weapons.
    6: The professions are completely artificial and would never evolve 28,000 years from now. People have known since the beginning of recorded time that attacking an enemy before they can attack you is an advantage.
    7: two of the more powerful professions are NTs and crats in large battles, crats can area-root MAs and enforcers before they can do any real damage. However, the NT nukes, which are preferred against groups of people, would break the root and you would eventually have a lack of MAs and enforcers.

    Those are some of the better points off the top of my head and they each put a major flaw into the battle.

    By balance I mean that players will not be killed at random in a 'safe' city and that each person has the ability to defend themselves solo and in groups. One side had the ability to plan the battle and get a lot of people into the fight; the other did not have any idea about it. People will not announce if they are going to attack a city a day or two ahead of time, its simply stupid to do so. I would not like to be killed in a safe city without warning, almost no one would.

    Not only this but you have a lack of punishment or permanent death for killing civilians, the largest punishment you can get is waiting a few minutes for your stats to return.

    You never said that players would guard the supresion-0-matic thing; you only said that there would be one.

    Even when I can prove someone wrong I still don't consider myself to be right or be more qualified to do what they tried. I usually judge their reaction to determinate that, which works fairly well. While I often point out faults, I usually put in solutions. Sometimes a person cannot see the faults; other times they cannot process the solutions I give them.

    My solution, for right now, is to expand the variety of this game to reflect the number of options to choose from in real life. A few places to eat and the same bar isn't what a colonized, resource-rich planet would have. A planet that has so many valuable minerals should be sprawling with wealth and have cities that hold hundreds of completely different buildings.
    I want to see commercial buildings in cities and apartments surrounding it, but Omni-Entertainment is loaded with buildings called "A house in Omni-Entertainment" or whatever. They should be "Bronto Burger HQ", "Steiner Weapons Customer Service Department", ect.

    For your other ideas, they have a good start but no end. What happens to the monsters or bandits, other than stealing money or attacking players?

  11. #11

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