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Thread: 14.4 - Edge of Tarrasque to be given to all adventurers

  1. #61
    Originally posted by oXiDe
    LOL, this has been some funny stuff.

    Ok first off, for those saying "you dont have a right to complain about a item, thats not in the game yet", that is the point of this board, to discuss 14.4 and make any changes they should before it goes live.

    On this new sword, while Advents DO need fixing, badly, lets take alook at our faithfull database (14.4):

    Weapons QL 200:

    Enforcer only: 1
    Agent only: 1
    Crat only: 1 (gay crystal)
    Doc only: 1 (gay crystal)
    Engi only: 1 (gay crystal)
    Fixer only: 1
    MA only: 4
    MP only: 1 (gay crystal)
    NT only: 1 (gay crystal)
    Soldier only: 2
    Trader only: 1 (gay crystal)
    Advent: 19!!!

    Hmm see anything wrong here? First off the way to try and fix advents is not by adding new GOOD weapons, its to plain out fix the problems with the class, enforcers wernt typically meant to enjoy all the nano+ items in the game, Gaileys Hood (sp), Eggs, Nelebs, these are designed for other classes (yes i know enforcers use them), so they gave enforcers, the king of melee, thee UBER melee weapon, by no means thee uberest weapon in the game, there are those that say in pvp alpha strike will always own a 2h, 1 special weapon (wether it be ranged (fling, burst, FA/Aimed), or melee (brawl, fast, sneak), typically if you have high enough attack, 3 crits with any of those is going to near kill you, even with absorb) but either way, the edge looked good, did high dmg, its was a class defining weapon, and by making it 2he, it set the entire enforcer apart for the mass, since everyone else is using blunt of some form. But by adding this new sword, you are now not just fixing advents, you are putting down enforcers, which is why so many are offended now, not even wanting to see this in the game, wether we get our 2he or not, i mean dual wielded (1.3x dmg) poison ac, and higher min dmg makes this in my opinon a better sword than Edge of tarasque, now no matter how hard it is to get, being that a advent has a better melee weapon, than the ultimate enforcer weapon, is not what I call balancing, it's what I call apeasing the much neglected advent class, which I can't agree with. (Seriously if we got a polymorphing nano next patch, that dropped only 1 in 1000 tarasques, but was better than your best, just because they didn't want to give us our 2he buff, so they decided a nice polymorph would help keep us quiet, wouldn't you be a bit upset?)

    I will post when I can to try and NOT have this sword make it live, I will never protest a better pistol or nano, or armor for a advent, I believe the class needs a full over haul, but giving them a MELEE weapon better than EoT...thats just putting a bandaid over a gushing wound hoping that it helps a little. I dont think this weapon is fair for ADVENTS or Enforcers.

    (I'm not real good at the whole writing coherantly and making proper points, hopefully this wasn't to hard to follow)

    Toktok - 182 Enf
    Oxide005 - 142 MP

    P.S: REST EASY ADVENTS that want this sword badly...if this in infact a QUEST, seeing as how you need 5 parts or so, I highly doubt the ranting of a few upset enforcers are going to make them remove the whole quest.
    Let's look at what's REALLY wrong here: your own post. You're attempting to argue the balance of a Test database containing tens of thousands of items in it based on a FEW entries contained within it, without knowing how/when they'll be implemented or in what final form?

    You're advocating that the balance in AO centers totally around the availible items each individual profession. That's shortsighted enough to be declared legally blind. Counting the QL 200 items in the item database ignores the QL 1-199 items, their availibility, and how effective a player might be when using them. Complaining that a highly unique and rare item (which in no way is marked "For Enforcer Use ONLY") is worse than an item, which for all intents and purposes isn't even implemented yet, is down right silly.
    History admires the wise, but it elevates the brave. - Edmund Morris

    The first faults are theirs that commit them, the second theirs that permit them. - Unknown

    Did you ever get the feeling that the world had an abundance of idiots? And that God had arranged for you to meet every single one of them before you died? - Kuroshio

  2. #62
    Originally posted by Timetraveler

    how the hell does John Doe Newbie know that advents, docs, traders etc etc are wimpy like you claim them to be??

    Lol your just another whiner among them all....

    To the people who think this game suck so baaaad:
    Dont play it

    And the math will you and tell me how mutch this game costs you eatch day....
    Then tell me how mutch tax you pay every year and what you get from that....

    OH yeah way - cause it doesnt cost that much I should just throw money away. You are right, golly how could I have been so stupid. And BTW Taxes are something I pay because I have no choice - also its not like I am buying a service or product with them. This game on the other hand is a purchase I make.

    Its a game that FC made and still making....

    And enforcers get headcracker by the time they reatch lvl 20-30...
    it adds 46 to 2h blunt and 1h blunt....if that aint the best melee buff then what is?

    HELLO MELEE IS NOT JUST BLUNT !!!!! Goddamn why is it so hard to get that through peoples heads.

    Whoa whoopteee doo - we get a blunt buff at lower skills - please explain to me what skills exactly enforcers should have. I mean according to you we arent master of melee. And we dont cast nukes, we cant create pets, we cant calm. So what exactly are we good for. Advents are "masters of all skills' - so what are enforcers the masters of?

    BTW if they changed headcracker and thug to buff all damn melee skills I wouldnt be having this argument with an obvious moron.


    And Bratag stop drinking goat urin....

    You first.

  3. #63
    Maybe you didn't read my post well, ok... first off my point was that a class cannot be bettered by adding great items for solo use by that class, so funcom should not assume to be able to fix advents just by throwing them high quality adv only weapons. And if your wondering why I did only QL 200 weapons lol, the item database lists multiples of the same item, and it doesnt list every ql, so the only way to get a accurate cound it to test with QL 200.

    I'll state it again, adding a marquee adventurer weapon is not a bad thing, even if it has better stats than EoT, the problem is adding a melee weapon thats advent only, better than the enforcer only weapon, its a fact, only the best in a certain skill should be able to wield thee best weapon for that skill. And since we are able to get very high melee scores, EoT has super high requirements, but now adding this new sword, is saying, ok adventures are broken, and alot of them use 1he, we are going to give them this awesome sword that will help them, and even tho its as good as EoT, we can't give it the same req becuase no way a advent can ever get that high. Explain to me how that is correct?

    Im not asking for enforcers to be fixed, im not even begging for our 1he buffs, I know we are one of the few classes that are working perty much all the way around, and I deff think advents deserved all else they got, but this weapon is just insane, it is unbalancing, if you know anything about balancing in a game like this, its NOT based on how hard it is to get it, its based on its wielded effectiveness, and wielding a sword as powerfull as EoT, in 1 hand with low mm, and very low overall stats, IS NOT RIGHT, END OF STORY

    Toktok - 182 Enf
    Oxide005 - 142 MP

  4. #64
    Originally posted by oXiDe
    Maybe you didn't read my post well, ok... first off my point was that a class cannot be bettered by adding great items for solo use by that class, so funcom should not assume to be able to fix advents just by throwing them high quality adv only weapons. And if your wondering why I did only QL 200 weapons lol, the item database lists multiples of the same item, and it doesnt list every ql, so the only way to get a accurate cound it to test with QL 200.

    I'll state it again, adding a marquee adventurer weapon is not a bad thing, even if it has better stats than EoT, the problem is adding a melee weapon thats advent only, better than the enforcer only weapon, its a fact, only the best in a certain skill should be able to wield thee best weapon for that skill. And since we are able to get very high melee scores, EoT has super high requirements, but now adding this new sword, is saying, ok adventures are broken, and alot of them use 1he, we are going to give them this awesome sword that will help them, and even tho its as good as EoT, we can't give it the same req becuase no way a advent can ever get that high. Explain to me how that is correct?

    Im not asking for enforcers to be fixed, im not even begging for our 1he buffs, I know we are one of the few classes that are working perty much all the way around, and I deff think advents deserved all else they got, but this weapon is just insane, it is unbalancing, if you know anything about balancing in a game like this, its NOT based on how hard it is to get it, its based on its wielded effectiveness, and wielding a sword as powerfull as EoT, in 1 hand with low mm, and very low overall stats, IS NOT RIGHT, END OF STORY

    Toktok - 182 Enf
    Oxide005 - 142 MP
    I believe the playerbase is attempting to 'force' their beliefs that a lot of items being added are to "balance" their (or other people's) professions. And I believe that the assumption is on your part that the ancient sword has anything to do with the balancing of the Adventurer profession.

    I also believe that you're mistaken about balance in games like these as well. The difficulty in attaining an item and the availibility of that item plays a key part in balance. A weapon isn't as greatly overpowered as people are making this out to be if the majority of the people even capable of wielding it never attain one.
    History admires the wise, but it elevates the brave. - Edmund Morris

    The first faults are theirs that commit them, the second theirs that permit them. - Unknown

    Did you ever get the feeling that the world had an abundance of idiots? And that God had arranged for you to meet every single one of them before you died? - Kuroshio

  5. #65


    Funny who everybody who has replied to Bratag so far in this thread has gotten into a large argument with him, me included. I got a large ultimatum from him in-game today because of my comments on this board.

    Apparently even this comment was pulled out of context as me saying that Bratag is a "ganker", simply because I said "I guess." with regards to "forgetting it", dropping the subject, etc.

    Originally posted by Ashuras
    heheh... flow_, forget it.

    Some enforcers are just worried that they can no longer gank adv asses to get their pvp tittles

    Some people just like other sto remain gimps.

    I guess. I'll drop it. .......
    Point is, Bratag. I did say I "lost respect" for you because you have been whining about this 24/7, you have been petitioning 2 times a day every day, and I just feel it's a little excessive just for some silly 2HE buff that you want. I agree it should not be hard to implement, even overnight, but tell me one time Funcom has just gone and added something to a profession that was not next in line/soon in line for minor and/or major attention. I haven't seen it happen, and I wouldn't expect this 2HE buff to come any time soon. You have every right to try and make it happen sooner, but I've been campaigning in the Adventurer forums for attention since level 94, I'm 200 now and the Adventurer patch still has not seen live. So you have a long road ahead of you, my friend.

    Maybe it was a personal attack on you by saying I "lost respect", but you take it as you will. I take everything on these forums with a grain of salt, because there is a lot of emotion and rage flying around half the time, and you can't take everything that everybody says at face value.

    /ignore Bratag -- I don't believe the issues that have escalated into in-game can be resolved.

    So long.
    ....flojojojo | 220/17 vanguard, rimor's first 200 adventurer | equip | perks
    ..outtatime | 190/3 fixer

    playing wow (pyrelight, 70 priest on uther server, alliance)
    retired from rubi-ka

  6. #66

    Re: Funny

    Finally on ignore from you flo just before you write me off totally.

    1) I have lost respect for you - not many ways to take that except personal
    2) I have no idea what you are talking about as far as ganking etc
    3) I stopped petitioning for a buff about 2 weeks before 14.2 came in - I was only petitioning in the first place to make funcom aware of a problem they had obvioulsy not heard about or thought about
    4) I dont want and enforcer patch - for the most part I think we are basically fine as is - I have been waiting for this patch since beta (level has nothing to do with time spent playing) So thats longer than your precious advent patch
    5) I have nothing against advents - Hell I think they deserve all the loving they get. My point is balance.
    6) /ignore - eh you do what you gotta do - I will say though that I listened to you ***** at me for days about how OC was killing AC - if you cannot keep your guild together then thats hardly my fault. (You take that as personal or not as you see fit)
    7) I still think we need a full melee buff - Im not just asking for 2he here - but 1he/2he/2hb/1hb/piercing. All melee weapons.
    8) I am 195 now - no longer OE - and I still feel as passionately about this issue as I did 10 levels ago.


    /ignore flojojojo - I dont believe you warrent trying to resolve the issue.

    Originally posted by fl0w_
    Funny who everybody who has replied to Bratag so far in this thread has gotten into a large argument with him, me included. I got a large ultimatum from him in-game today because of my comments on this board.

    Apparently even this comment was pulled out of context as me saying that Bratag is a "ganker", simply because I said "I guess." with regards to "forgetting it", dropping the subject, etc.

    Point is, Bratag. I did say I "lost respect" for you because you have been whining about this 24/7, you have been petitioning 2 times a day every day, and I just feel it's a little excessive just for some silly 2HE buff that you want. I agree it should not be hard to implement, even overnight, but tell me one time Funcom has just gone and added something to a profession that was not next in line/soon in line for minor and/or major attention. I haven't seen it happen, and I wouldn't expect this 2HE buff to come any time soon. You have every right to try and make it happen sooner, but I've been campaigning in the Adventurer forums for attention since level 94, I'm 200 now and the Adventurer patch still has not seen live. So you have a long road ahead of you, my friend.

    Maybe it was a personal attack on you by saying I "lost respect", but you take it as you will. I take everything on these forums with a grain of salt, because there is a lot of emotion and rage flying around half the time, and you can't take everything that everybody says at face value.

    /ignore Bratag -- I don't believe the issues that have escalated into in-game can be resolved.

    So long.

  7. #67

    Re: Re: Funny

    Originally posted by Bratag
    2) I have no idea what you are talking about as far as ganking etc
    Talk to Tibanna then.. she was using that as ammunition against me this morning on your behalf.

    4) I dont want and enforcer patch - for the most part I think we are basically fine as is - I have been waiting for this patch since beta (level has nothing to do with time spent playing) So thats longer than your precious advent patch
    It's not "my" precious advent patch.. I am not the reason we are getting patched. Man, do you have a way with words..

    5) I have nothing against advents - Hell I think they deserve all the loving they get. My point is balance.
    But in your opinion the Adventurer Sword creates imbalance.. so we deserve all the loving we are getting MINUS the Adventurer sword. I am just correcting you.

    6) /ignore - eh you do what you gotta do - I will say though that I listened to you ***** at me for days about how OC was killing AC - if you cannot keep your guild together then thats hardly my fault. (You take that as personal or not as you see fit)
    That had to do with the Outcasts <-> Arcane Circle alliance, and I was hoping that you, as a friend "on the inside" would be able to do something about re-establishing it, since I was under a lot of heat from my guild members as to why it was broken/non-existant. I wouldn't talk to me about keeping guilds together, since yours nearly fell apart during that same time when the alliance broke and Cc was running it.

    8) I am 195 now - no longer OE - and I still feel as passionately about this issue as I did 10 levels ago.
    And I'm 200, and I still feel as passionately about Adventurer issues as I did at level 94, even though I'm no longer affected by changes anymore.

    Sorry it had to end up this way. We go way back but we have a major personality conflict it seems.

    I have no intention to replying to this thread anymore.

    So don't bother.
    ....flojojojo | 220/17 vanguard, rimor's first 200 adventurer | equip | perks
    ..outtatime | 190/3 fixer

    playing wow (pyrelight, 70 priest on uther server, alliance)
    retired from rubi-ka

  8. #68

    Re: Re: Re: Funny

    I had a whole pile of stuff posted as follow up to flo's post - but I deleted it - its just a game and its not worth getting worked up about -

    Take it easy flo Ill see ya online

    Last edited by Bratag; Jun 21st, 2002 at 04:33:17.

  9. #69
    Of course the most amusing aspect of this whole concept is that you just gotta know the super guilds who have essentially denied the rest of the player base a fair chance to get one of those Tarasque swords have gotta be worrying about how they will be able to step on other people now.

    Unless of course they put the thing in another idiotic pvp dungeon.

  10. #70
    This is hardly as good as the edge is..

    Of course, you could dual them, maybe with one of the SOLs..

    You can't say its even close to the edge on its own though..

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