"As product development will not be affected, patches and new development for Anarchy Online will continue as planned, including the expansion pack, Shadowlands. Subscription numbers for Anarchy Online have been steadily climbing since the beginning of the year, and we expect the positive trend to continue."

Why is it that there are professions out there that have heals even close to those of a doctor....?

Why is it that there are professions out there that have nukes even close to that of a nano technician....?

Why is it that the Nova-Flow isn't Soldier only?

Why are soldier reflection shields not self only as are the MA crit buffs?

Why is the HP bar buggy?

Why can a level 75 pvp with a level 200, yet a level 74 can only pvp with someone as high as level 95?

Why are people talking about GM/ARK interference within the game......??

Don't get me wrong, I love the game....Just wish some of these things weren't so.