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Thread: GridStream Productions Presents... (RK1)

  1. #1

    GridStream Productions Presents... (RK1)

    Greetings and Salutations from GridStream Productions!!

    It is my pleasure to announce that GridStream Productions will be holding open auditions for dancers. These are auditions are open to the public, and we are looking for both male and female dancers.

    The first audition will be held on Monday, June 24th at 8pm est (01:00 GMT) in the Rumble Room at Reets Retreat (during DJ Tarryk's show). The second audition will be held on Friday, June 28th at 5pm est (22:00 GMT) in the Rumble Room at Reets Retreat (during DJ Rythum's show). Contestants are welcome to attend either audition, which ever is the easiest for their schedule.

    Each contestant will be asked to select one social outfit and perform one dance of their choice. This can be either a script or a collection of dance moves, the choice is yours. We ask that you provide a small bio on your character so that we can get to know you. The judges for these auditions will be Head Dancer Cyandi and myself, Wyldthing. The last bit of information you will need to know is that Cyandi and I will also be asking each contestant the following question: “What are your likes and dislikes.”

    If you have any questions feel free to either post them here, or send Cyandi or myself a /tell at any time.

    Thanks for your time!
    ~*~ Wyldthing
    Director of GridStream Productions
    Bringing the best in Live entertainment to all of Rubi-ka!

    Assistant Manger of Reets Retreat in Stret West Bank (RK1)

  2. #2
    Hi Wyldthing:
    I think that official Gridstream dancers might be a good idea, but it is unclear to me what role they will serve or what their purpose is.
    If it is simply to be able to get up next to the DJ and shake your groove-thang, well people can do that already; and they do it in abundance.
    What would a dancer's responsibility be at a Gridstream event?


  3. #3

    Having a group of dancers will give the DJs of Gridstream the perfect opportunity to begin their careers as pimps.

  4. #4

    Wink Purpose

    I think the purpose for the dancers is to use them to encourage other people to dance, if there are already people dancing it is much easier to just join in, it's a great idea.



  5. #5
    Mrwu can dance!
    Mrwu can cook!
    Mrwu can SMOGAT

    Mrwu pulls out his ancient chinese pipe.
    Mrwu buys Cayll a lap dance.

  6. #6
    The purpose of the dancers is as Cayll stated, to help encourage dancing, but also to present another face for GridStream to the public. Cyandi and I have several ideas in mind for ways to present the dancers, including matching uniforms and syncronized dancing.

    Lots of people attend the parties, but getting people to actually mingle with those other then their own friends is difficult. We are hoping that the dancers presence will aid the mingling and dancing.
    ~*~ Wyldthing
    Director of GridStream Productions
    Bringing the best in Live entertainment to all of Rubi-ka!

    Assistant Manger of Reets Retreat in Stret West Bank (RK1)

  7. #7
    Bumping this announcement. (=
    ~*~ Wyldthing
    Director of GridStream Productions
    Bringing the best in Live entertainment to all of Rubi-ka!

    Assistant Manger of Reets Retreat in Stret West Bank (RK1)

  8. #8
    Cayll has the ugliest face in the world.

  9. #9
    Great, now after that I bet you're going to say mine is the ugliest female face D:

    But anyway, the only way I can dance is as a leet...Official Gridstream Productions Leet Mascot! w00t!
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  10. #10

    Talking Dancers..

    I say put Tarryk back in the red thong and make him dance till his feet hurt!

    We'd tip- wouldnt we girls?

    /me grins and nods.
    ~*Taboo's Views On Templus*~
    " "He is just a moron .You know he really isnt in the military, he is a 48 y/o man living in his parents basement who cant get laid & therefore hates all women and feels he has to belittle them because he cant get his lil peepee wet"

  11. #11
    I want to be a male dancer!!!!
    Earn free game time and play with your friends[/b]

    Anarchy Online Community Representative

  12. #12


    *hands Cosmik a sparkly-sequined, whisper-soft cashmire leet-wool thong*

    So, you want to be a male dancer, eh? Put on this thong, stud.

    *leers at Cosmik, smirking*

    I like to watch.

    A website providing maps of Rubi-Ka,
    playfields, Whom-Pah & Grid maps,
    in-game maps, and more.

    Discover Leety Goodness at:

  13. #13
    "I have a robot?"

    Level 75 Omni Engineer-Atlantean

  14. #14

    Angry Outrage!

    Originally posted by Wyldthing

    It is my pleasure to announce that GridStream Productions will be holding open auditions for dancers. These are auditions are open to the public, and we are looking for both male and female dancers.
    What? No Uni dancers? What a bunch of Sexists!

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