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Thread: Nano - level limitation - deviation on twink(oe rule)

  1. #1

    Nano - level limitation - deviation on twink(oe rule)

    I saw in a thread the level reqs will be on all nano... i think no but i just want to say (if yes it is), it s totally idiot, look :
    a nanomage mp lvl 70 can use the frenzy embodiment, the solitus with same imps can at 72, maybe 73... and if the reqs lvl is at 75 is it really interesting...
    It s like if you are in school : Damn guy, you are too good, come here, i ll remove u a part of your brain...
    this lvl reqs is for help guys who are bad so they are not that bad ?
    I m really ok for the ncu buff (and i think level 25 is to low for the +20 ncu buff, i think level 25 can be +10ncu but i m ok fort 25 )
    Im ok for some level reqs in rare weapons from dungeon if they are really good (but for that it s important to be easier to equip i think => like gamma ejector), the funniest thing in the game is trying to have this nano before your mate (in lvl) it s what i do in my guild (with my mp) like woot i used QW at lvl 70 and u at lvl 75 or i got my ql 125 imps 5 lvl before u,...

    I m sure level limitation is for stop the big twinking but this thing is funny too cuz u need to shop a long time, to find ppl, when you are in arena with others twink u can find mates, or guys u really don t like,... i don t like OE rule for that, i ve stopped pvp, i ve lost some mates, i ve deleted my enf lvl 12 with ql 70hammer and now who roxx at pvp ? agent and ma because of lots of ncu for agent (change as trader, and use +55 comp litt) + the sureshot nano + aimed shot + really hard to see an agent. For ma because they got SG (or better at higher ) + they hit better because of the armor we can't use that high... if u want to remove twink from arena, don t add lvl limit on nano + guns, simply do a think that remove all the buffs when you are in the arena, so u got the 15sec for re-cast it ! and do an other arena who don t remove the buffs so like that twink with outside buff can pvp others guys like that, and in the other arena, twink with honor can fight too !!!!

  2. #2
    Level reqs make MP's worthless to teams.

    NCU buffs, They should only be restricted if someone in your team is too low level. It should not restrict you from making use of the MP's talents. That is why we have MP's in the first place.

    Weapon buffs. I can understand that they might not want people using mochams to squeeze into higher stuff by using the best nanos... but come on, there is a level req on a few of these at level 195! FFS! What was the point of making that nano if only a couple people get to use it?
    Again, this also screws over the MP in teams. No one will want to team with an MP if they can't use better nanos.

  3. #3
    YAY ! ve just posted a thread on fixer forum about that ! plz reply it

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