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Thread: What Good are Newbi Area Guards?

  1. #1

    Angry What Good are Newbi Area Guards?

    Yes.. What good are theese guards now? All i can see them do is KS, Since it does not longer matter if you die at low lv dont see any purpose with them... Cept annoying KSing >.<
    "How do you prove that you exist...?
    Maybe we dont exist..."

    "Love goes, Like night... Its a fading dream"

    "15 candles
    Redeemers of this world
    Dwell in hypocrisy:
    "How were we supposed to know?"

  2. #2
    killing those swarms of pesky rollerats that attack in droves. thats about it
    Q u o t e:

    Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

    But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


    From the WoW forums. best PWNAGE EVAH!!!

  3. #3
    Well, back when I was a n00b, I picked on a dark orange nasty in the backyard. The guard saved me

  4. #4
    they saved my butt plenty of times as a newbie.

    good point about death affects now. the guards should be localised to the paved entry area and not allowed to move out of it or removed completely.

    put guards outside the hunting area to keep people of the opposite faction from coming over to grief newbies.

  5. #5
    They make good targets when your waiting for a guild meeting to begin or when you've come to buff someone. Thats about it though
    Mick "Nuggethunter" McMullet
    Lvl 191 Soldier
    Loyal Advisor of Trinity 'till my last breath

    Plain and simple.... NERF bracers in PvP

    Hey, I’m uh.. I’m not a lumberjack or a fur trader. And I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber or own a dogsled.
    And I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, although I am certain they're really really nice.
    I have a Prime Minister, not a President. I speak English and French, not American. And I pronounce it "About" not "A boot".
    I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack. I belive in peacekeeping, not policing. Diversity, not assimilation.
    And that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal. A toque is a hat. A chesterfield is a couch.
    And it is pronounced "Zed"! not "Zee".. "Zed"! Canada is the second largest landmass, the first nation of hockey,
    And the best part of North America! My name is Nugget… and I am Canadian!!!

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