For links to a more comprehensive proc list click below
Adventurer and Agent
Bureaucrat and Doctor
Enforcer and Engineer
Fixer and Keeper
Martial Artist and Meta-Physicist
Nano-Technician and Shade
Soldier and Trader
Please add to LE Proc Descriptions what they do.
Simple. Do it! 
More detail? Not that it's needed detail but, seems only apt as I'm asking for more detail.
Currently procs show, when shift+click or just by mousing over if you have tooltips enabled:
Affiliated Renewal
In combat you will occasionally heal your team, including yourself. This is a Type 1 action.
While this basically tells you what it does it is hardly useful when you also have:
Faithful Revival
In combat you will occasionally heal your team, including yourself. Only one type 1 action can be selected at a time
Now looking at both of these in my perk window or on my hotbar how do I tell which one is better for me to use? I have to either check a database site or check my research window as to what level which proc was research on and hope that it is safe to assume higher level means better.
It would be better, and a lot nicer to use, if it displayed like this instead:
Affiliated Renewal
In combat you will occasionally heal your team, including yourself for 201 - 406 points. This is a Type 1 action.
Faithful Revival
In combat you will occasionally heal your team, including yourself for 485 - 970 points. Only one type 1 action can be selected at a time
In which case it is easy to see which one is better and which one you should use.
(And a small side note, looking at this, why not fix the difference in how it's worded too? "This is a Type 1 action." and "Only one type 1 action can be selected at a time" It just looks weird