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Thread: XP between lvl20 and 50

  1. #1

    XP between lvl20 and 50

    Now, i dont know if annyone else has notised it, but the people between lvl20 and 50 that used to hunt in lush fields are all gone.
    U are lucky to see one char running round over there...Now i dont know if there simply aint noone in that level range or if they have changed their Hunting ground, or maybe they are doinf missions in stead. If the Hunting ground has changed please let me know where the new one is. If people have started to do missions in stead please let me know where the start the groups i sure cant find one...Hope to get a reply on this one because its really getting to me.

  2. #2
    last i checked, lush was packed....
    200/AL 5 Clan Fixer (omg finally)
    81 Omni MP (on, MP's get boring fast.)
    34 Clan Raidslave Doc (or at least that was the initial idea...)

  3. #3

    It isnt now..

    Well its not packed fact it havent been in a few days now.

  4. #4
    If its empty that means one or two things.
    1. You play on RK 2
    2. You play while most players are asleep or at work.

  5. #5

    You are right

    May bad....there are people there now. Probably empty because of the time i am playing.

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