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Thread: Invisible Walls!

  1. #1

    Exclamation Invisible Walls!

    A couple patches ago, a few "invisible walls" popped up in West Athen and SWB Last Ditch. They are invisible, right in the main pathway, and only about a foot or two high, so you can jump over them. The one in West Athen is near the Reclaim/Save/Bank area, a bit toward the advanced store. There are a couple in SWB Last Ditch - one in the hallway by the Wompa, heading toward the Reclaim/Save/Bank area, the other couple are in front and behind the Reclaim/Save/Bank area. -Another characteristic to note about these "invisible walls" is the fact that they are one-way, meaning they only block you if you are trying to go a certain direction, not when you are coming from the other direction.

    I am sure there are others that people have noticed elsewhere, but these are the only ones that I have found, and it would be nice if we could have them removed.

  2. #2
    Yep. Walls be gone!

  3. #3
    ditto on the walls....however Cosmik asked that you report the positions of these inviso walls a few weeks ago in a thread.
    lvl 200 Crat

    lvl 81 Adventurer

    lvl 58 Fixer

    lvl 70 Enforcer

    lvl 54 MA

  4. #4
    We found invisible doors last night in a mission. It ended up being a big problem, since the information that the door was invisible slipped all of our minds when we were running from 3 red mobs, and we ran down the long hallway and smack into the invisible door. 3 guesses what happened after that...
    Click Click BOOM
    BoomDoom - Lvl 146 NT
    Thugdoom - lvl 80 enforcer
    EmissaryDoom - lvl 75 Crat
    ProfDoom - Lvl 57 MP
    Nursedoom - lvl 57 Doctor

  5. #5
    The mobs took you to their office and gave you a long speech about breaking into buildings where you have no business, then threatened to call the police the next time and then let you go?

  6. #6
    And then one of them said

    "I would have gotten away with it to oif not for you meddeling kids"
    Click Click BOOM
    BoomDoom - Lvl 146 NT
    Thugdoom - lvl 80 enforcer
    EmissaryDoom - lvl 75 Crat
    ProfDoom - Lvl 57 MP
    Nursedoom - lvl 57 Doctor

  7. #7


    I came across one of the SWB ones recently on test, so at least one has been reported for sure (F9 + screenshot). I'd suggest others do the same, run into them, switch to 3rd person, position camera suitably, hit F9 then F12 - send screenshot to or (if on test)

  8. #8

    I agree, remove those walls...

    I've also noticed the ones in Last Ditch. But since I am a clanner, I often fly around Tir city in my yalm. I would love to see the invisible walls getting removed from the grid and arena area. Several other areas around the city also have invisible walls, especially above large buildings. Note that these walls are not at ground level, but in the air.

  9. #9
    The invisi walls in tir drive me nuts. I dont understand why i cant fly OVER a building. I guess its FC's way of airr traffic control or something.
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

    Veterans of Synergy Factor

    Click to email me

  10. #10


    The game is full of places you can't fly to because of infinite height invisible wall though...

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