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Thread: Pvp, Arenas, The war, Roleplaying Etc

  1. #1

    Pvp, Arenas, The war, Roleplaying Etc

    Ok basically I play this game for Pvp I enjoy fighting other people I pvp all the time with any char any level I like it.. Problem here is I get bored leveling 1 character to high levels, its just not interesting enough for me, as such I have lower level chars to pvp with and I dont get in on the big camelot/mmd fights because people 40+ levels more than me would kill me easily, so the only real place I can pvp is the arena...

    Now then my Ma is 76 I was at the arena happily dueling away then BAM dead from some 130ish omni soldiers (Jiggamonkey or something) alpha who concealed at the arena's edge... I give him a tell asking what the point in that was, to which he reply's firstly "A freshman Title kill" then after that says he roleplays and kill's Clan wherever he can.. My arguement is that the arena is not a war zone but a place for people to have 1v1 duel's so why not goto a WARZONE 25%, he continues with his roleplaying arguement's and after somemore tells I can see its getting nowhere so I leave it at that..

    So the basically to allow for people to pvp effectively and in a FUN manner, the current level/pvp curve should continue upto level 150...
    Or at arenas post high level guards to harrass those of opposite factions at arenas (I dont like this tho because there are some genuine Omni people who duel at tir arena like breaku/caol)..
    Or possibly introduce /duel command or Interior arena's that only one faction can fight in..

    Shrug I dunno I'm just pissed at this soldier trying to palm off what was an easy title kill as roleplaying.

    Oh yea Conceal is a total gank bonus for people like this.
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  2. #2
    Hey Jeebz, I'm sorry but you just had a bad experience. Just like optimusx Jiggamonkey-something is a known arena ganker. Ask Rznr He's not roleplay either. My advice against such people is to bring friends, or just zone out and come back in arena when he's gone. If I'm in arena Ill help you

    I pretty much see ot arena as my home, and the ganking done there is not a lot. Tir is a gankfest way more. The only ganking in ot arena are the low level people.

    I know of 2 (whom I mentioned above) regular own-side gankers, the rest of us are pretty nice (also maybe a because I'd love to gank some unkown titled people)

    Vhir / 215 Doctor
    Nynke / 205 Agent
    Letah / 200 Doctor
    Firerose / 200 Soldier
    [eqp | imps | pics | sig]

    Yeah I'm back, no need to ask your ebay-check questions

  3. #3

    Letah :)

    Awesome little Bow guide you have,
    i Look forward to reviewing it in more detail when I got some time later today!

    Take care and I wish U well

    Last edited by Rain; Jun 23rd, 2002 at 01:20:32.
    Newbiest of Newbs
    RK2 - LvL 171

  4. #4


    Aww ty ty


    I do what I can

    Vhir / 215 Doctor
    Nynke / 205 Agent
    Letah / 200 Doctor
    Firerose / 200 Soldier
    [eqp | imps | pics | sig]

    Yeah I'm back, no need to ask your ebay-check questions

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