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Thread: ENOUGH with the damn agent "boss drop" nanos and discs

  1. #1

    ENOUGH with the damn agent "boss drop" nanos and discs

    Every single bloody agent on Rubi Ka has them already.
    I get more selling the discs and nanos to a vendor than to a player.

    Pretty damn stupid that the 2 decent items dropped by bosses are an agent nano/disc and a random weapon/armor.

    I've done over 40 team missions since the last patch and I haven't seen one single Sleek Cannon, X-3, Electronicum, Heavy Suppressor, Caterwaul, Love Armor or Serv of 8 armor drop.

    Well I did get a QL85 Hands of SOE but it had some bogus Level 80 requirement on it.

    Maybe make the boss drop 3 unique items. One armor, one wepaon and on agent nano/disc

  2. #2
    SOE armor has high reqs for the QL. QL 200 requires level 190, if memory serves. The other new types of armor probably have similar reqs.

  3. #3

    Re: ENOUGH with the damn agent "boss drop" nanos and discs

    Originally posted by Miir
    Every single bloody agent on Rubi Ka has them already.
    I get more selling the discs and nanos to a vendor than to a player.

    Pretty damn stupid that the 2 decent items dropped by bosses are an agent nano/disc and a random weapon/armor.

    I've done over 40 team missions since the last patch and I haven't seen one single Sleek Cannon, X-3, Electronicum, Heavy Suppressor, Caterwaul, Love Armor or Serv of 8 armor drop.

    Well I did get a QL85 Hands of SOE but it had some bogus Level 80 requirement on it.

    Maybe make the boss drop 3 unique items. One armor, one wepaon and on agent nano/disc
    I get Caterwauls as look at items for solo missions. Not alot, but every now and then.
    Grupurt Division 9 [RSGE] Ret.
    Second Nanomage Agent To Hit Lvl 200 on RK1


  4. #4
    I've decorated my apartment with Form of the Executioner nanos.

    I ran out of room and I'm going to start decorating my alts apartments with them.

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Miir
    I've decorated my apartment with Form of the Executioner nanos.

    I ran out of room and I'm going to start decorating my alts apartments with them.
    Maybe FC is trying to encourage us to play agents ?

    But seriously.. this is a big problem. I think boss drop loot table is screwed.

  6. #6
    3 more nano yesterday.
    2 more discs.

    Still can't sell the damn things to other players.

  7. #7
    Miir, since the loot drop was fixed no one has been complaining about the drop rate.

    The problem is that no one wants to join a group doing 50% missions just to help some agent get his nanos.

    Guess what, Agents can't solo them either.

    Personally I got my nanos already thanks to my guild doing missions with me... but I feel sorry for those Agents who aren't as forunate as me.

  8. #8

    I tried to sell of my backpack full of agnet nanos and discs yesterday:

    Couln't unload a single one and I was charging 2X what I would get selling to a vendor.

    I passed off 4-5 Holograms to agents in my guild.

    Miir, since the loot drop was fixed no one has been complaining about the drop rate.

    Don't you mean that "no agents have been complaining about the drop rate"?

    Boss mobs drop 2 "special" items and one of them is always an agent nano/crystal. The 2nd has a chance of being an agent nano/crystal/hologram.
    Approximately 60-65% of boss mob "special" loot is agent only items.

    The 11 other professions are stuck with a 4% chance of getting a boss drop.

  9. #9
    Like you said, all you have are executioner discs (probably QL 150-200 versions if you are doing normal missions with a team). Unless you are doing 50% team missions for some reason (with your 126 soldier) you don't have any of the nanos that the majority of agents want.

    Boss mobs drop 2 "special" items and one of them is always an agent nano/crystal. The 2nd has a chance of being an agent nano/crystal/hologram.
    Approximately 60-65% of boss mob "special" loot is agent only items.

    The 11 other professions are stuck with a 4% chance of getting a boss drop.
    And so what we see this is really about. More agent envy.

    If you want to b1tch about boss loot that's fine, but don't take out your anger on the poor agent just because his class essential nanos are clogging up your loot.

    You don't even know if the agent nanos are truely "taking up space" in the loot. For all you know FC only intended 1 special loot slot for everyone. Maybe they added a second loot slot in just for the agent nanos (therefor it would not be infringing on your loot)? You don't know, that's the point. It's all speculation and class envy.
    Last edited by Zeroshift; Jun 21st, 2002 at 20:10:37.

  10. #10
    Like you said, all you have are executioner discs. Unless you are doing 50% team missions for some reason (with your 126 soldier) you don't have any of the nanos that the majority of agents want.

    Spread amongst my characters, I have multiple copies of every 'new' agent nano and disc.

    And I don't have 'agent envy'.
    It's just disheartening to spend 2 hours on a team mission and have the boss drop an agent nano and a Hologram.

    This has happened no less than 4 times.

    And I still have yet to see a Sleek Cannon, Heavy Suppressor, X-3, North Wind or Crossbow.

    I have pulled numerous QL60, 90, 115 and 140 missions hoping to see a grid armor disc.
    I have also pulled QL90 and 160ish misisons in search of Nullity sphere discs.

    In each one of those, boss loot was Blanket of Shadows, Guidance of the Exec, Enhanced Sureshot, Trueshot, Enhanced Trueshot or some other random 'new' agent nano.

  11. #11
    You know what would have been smarter? Making a constructive thread listed how you don't like the boss loot instead of yelling at the Agents and trying to say they have no legit issues with the boss loot.

    And let me repeat something else you obviously didn't see:

    "You don't even know if the agent nanos are truely "taking up space" in the loot. For all you know FC only intended 1 special loot slot for everyone. Maybe they added a second loot slot in just for the agent nanos (therefor it would not be infringing on your loot)? You don't know, that's the point. It's all speculation and class envy."

    So you didn't get a sleekcannon or grid armor. Cry us a river. Class balancing nanos and "special" things dont get the same loot priority. Thinking otherwise is shortsighted and selfish.

  12. #12
    Making a constructive thread listed how you don't like the boss loot instead of yelling at the Agents and trying to say they have no legit issues with the boss loot.

    Dear Mr Defensive

    Nowhere in my posts am I "Yelling at Agents".
    I'm happy for them and the new boosts they got. It's nice to see more agents around and they are valued addition to any team I am a part of.

    However, I am a little distressed at the Boss Mob loot pool. The loot seems to be skewed in favor of a certain few types of items with a single Profession requirement. In my experience in roughly 50-60 team misisons, the drop rate of these single profession items seem to make up 60-70% of the boss mob loot drops.

    I feel this is not fair to the other 11 professions.

    Could you please look into this situation and adjust the loot pools on boss mobs to a more 'fair' percentage of profession specific and general use items?


    Look, you don't need to get all defensive and play the victim when you misinterpret a post as someone "Yelling at Agents".

    It makes no difference if the drop rate on boss mobs was 65% Fazekas crystals or Love Armor. My complaint would be exactly the same with just a different profession in the title.

    You don't even know if the agent nanos are truely "taking up space" in the loot. For all you know FC only intended 1 special loot slot for everyone. Maybe they added a second loot slot in just for the agent nanos (therefor it would not be infringing on your loot)? You don't know, that's the point. It's all speculation and class envy."

    And you don't know for sure if both 'special' item drops from boss mobs are supposed to be completely random.

    What's your point?

    On the test server, boss loot is random.
    There is no single set item type that you are guaranteed of looting every time.
    This is why I believe the "agent nano/disc on every boss" must be a datatable error and it should be fixed asap.

  13. #13
    Miir makes a whining post yelling at agents about how agents should stfu because the nanos aren't that rare.

    Zeroshift points out that this is not the problem. There are in fact many other reasons as to why agents don't like boss loot which have nothing to do with the drop rate.

    Miir ignores this, instead deciding to change the subject and launch off into a rant about how it's not fair that agent nanos are clogging up her valuable loot tables.

    Zeroshift points out that miir has no clue weither the agent nanos are really clogging up the loot table. It's entirely possible that FC created that 2nd slot of "special" loot just for the agent class balancing nanos.

    Miir continues to rant about how it's not fair that the agent class balancing nanos appear so often when she hasn't found a grid armor, nullity, or the X-3 yet. All "special" items, not class balancing.

    Zeroshift has to repeat himself because miir isn't listening.

    Miir rants.

    Zeroshift leaves and watches miir continue to rant to the wall oblivious to the fact that no one cares, and that no one is listening.

  14. #14
    Miir makes a whining post yelling at agents about how agents should stfu because the nanos aren't that rare

    Nobody has mentioned anything about the rarity of these new nanos in this thread.

    I have not told any agents to "stfu" in this thread.

    This thread about the messed up loot tables on boss mobs.

    Perhaps you should re-read this thread, I think, perhaps, you are getting it confused with another.

    I think you are just a little bit too excited to flame me that you neglected to actually read anything more than the title of this thread.

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