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Thread: Some info on how evades/parry/criticals/agression/deffensive work?

  1. #1

    Some info on how evades/parry/criticals/agression/deffensive work?

    Well here is a problem...

    I looked everywhere i could and i still cant find how do evades work? What foruma used to calulate evading critical hits...

    I also dont understand how parry works..

    What affects does Aggresion/Deffencive modifer has how it boost my initiate or evades? I am playing from release and all i can think of is in full defence i evade/resist more and fire/cast slower.

    Why we do critical hit what does critical hit modifer means?

    What i would like if cosmic/cz or any other funcom emploee will tell us how it all works. Well maybe if there some player who knows it i would appretiate it.

    Also i noticed that when i play with leets in BY they dont hit me at all i have 625 in all evades. Why monster never misse me?

    Maybe there should be special messange that will show that i evaded something just like with parry and nano resistance.
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  2. #2
    Glad to find out your evades, now..

    Its dependant solelyon Attack rating correct?
    The weapons min max dmg is how much it will hit for?

    Now I have 1020 attack rating.
    Put your 625 Evades in.

    If I cast challenger I should be JUST about double your evades so would that not mean a 50% Chance of a crit?

    Also how does toggling the Agressin bar change the way it works?

    Pomy, no flames in here please I want to know why I wasted implants in Evades instead of agil and other skills

  3. #3


    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  4. #4
    what i also want to know is do evades count against any crit buffs or scopes that your opponent is wearing? i sure seem to get critted alot in pvp even after 14.2 and i have maxed and implanted all evades.

    taken from the ma forum :

    We are planning on heavily upgrading all defensive skills (Nano-Resist, Dodge, Evade and Duck) to make defense a more viable strategy. We have several plans on how to do it, but it will be a method that favors those who invest IP.

    doesn't really explain anything, but does make me want to keep the ip's i invested in evades exactly where they are for now

    I don't think that we want to give out the particulars of the way the initiative/evasion system works. But, higher evades are always better (reduces not only the chance of being hit, but also the chance of being hit with a critical). And higher initiatives for the MA means that you can have the aggdef bar lower, which is better for evasions purposes, but still attack at the same speeds.

    reading that one, i don't think we are gonna get a real answer out of them on this issue (
    Last edited by Alli; Jun 14th, 2002 at 04:18:02.

  5. #5
    just another way MAs will evades..heh =-)

    Pre-14.6 Freshman Boycott "Toolboxau" Canada - Legend 200 - Unit Member of Reborn - Proud American and Proud Conservative

    ChanOP in FC's offical #anarchyonline; visit

    Some say this country's just out looking for a fight
    Well after 9/11 man I'd have to say that's right
    Have you forgetten?

  6. #6

  7. #7

    We are going to have to reach 1000 posts before someone replies.

    Now anyone figured out the math for FC replying?

  8. #8
    i know the formula for FC replying:

    If replies >> 500
    And avg.level >> 170
    Then Post.reply 'Give me another few days to take this to the developers'
    Else Ignore.Thread

    If replies >> 1000
    And time << 24hrs
    Then Post.reply 'I've notified the developers and they're working on getting me an answer. Ill go bug them some more'
    Else Post.reply 'I'm sorry but we can't do that.'

    If replies << 1500
    And time << 12hrs
    Then Notify.Admin
    Else Post.reply 'I'm sorry but we can't do that.'

    Also we got the random thingies we sometimes get from Cosmik and Cz.

    If time << 24hrs
    Then Post.Randomquote
    Else Ignore.All

    Edited for some typos
    Last edited by Zahcl; Jun 20th, 2002 at 19:19:29.

  9. #9

    I love having 930 Evade-Clc and still getting critted by melee bosses all the time. Then when I move the Agg-Def bar down to 50% suddenly the boss loses interest in me anyway. I swear lowering the Agg-Def bar is a de-agro device.

    - Tarage

  10. #10
    Traders? evade buff? huh? :P

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