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Thread: idea about apartments and guild housing

  1. #1

    idea about apartments and guild housing

    ok im not totally sure if u guys could do this but like, have like a page on the website where a guild leader or a homeowner could custimize theyre home or HQ or like a seperate editor program to like add rooms, furniture, etc... we really need some content in apartments! one of the reasons i bought AO is because housing is for everyone unlike UO were u have to play for a long time if you want a decent home. and make guild HQs somthing a guild can be proud of... make it where like you have to pay for rooms... couldnt it be done with the same kinda programing as when dungeons are spawned? heck you could probobly use most of the dungeon rooms like meeting rooms, bathrooms, etc.... it would benefit EVERYONE who plays this game to tweak housing...... just a few thoughts i had while working today....
    Riotox Solitus Martial Artist
    Riotx Solitus Soldier
    Proud member of Lifeless Immortallity

    Killin is my buisness ladies, and buisness is good -- Major Payne

  2. #2
    I'd like to see the opportunity to "upgrade" housing at different levels, or perhaps after each other token board upgrade.

    Maybe the existing layout for flat newbies, and the first two dots on the token board. Allow a player to upgrade to a new apartment, perhaps in a special "advanced" backyard, with 5-7 rooms on getting that third dot on the tokenboard.

    On the fifth rank on the token board, allow the player to "move up" again, to something with 10-12 rooms.

    Of course, not all the rooms have to be rooms as we'd know them. Perhaps an office, attached workshop, even a backyard, (with mandatory picnic table, swingset, or koi pond.)

    Perhaps the different rooms can have "room values", where a walk-in closet and a half-bath have a room value of 1, while a decent sized living room wavers between 4 and 6 room values. A small kitchen might be 2 rv, while a laundry room falls back to 1. That backyard?...9 for a small one, 16 for a medium one, 25 for a large spread.

    Tie the number of items that can be placed around the apartment to the rank as well. the existing 10 for blank boards, 15 perhaps for first ranks board holders, 20 for second rank, 30 for third rank.
    Oh heck, tie the number of items you can keep in the apartment to the number of tokens you collected for your last merit badge.

    If you can't provide an editor, how about 5-10 apartments tied to a special shop, each one fully explorable, each one being an exact duplicate of what the options are. Then go to the shop's terminal and "register", gaining a one-time key that, when you walk through an apartment door with it in your inventory, deletes itself and spawns a new apartment key.

    Basically, a shop which is blank but for a npc or a terminal, and a door leading into a long hallway. Down the hallway, have 5-10 doors, each leading to an apartment with a different floorplan. Put a question box full of flavor text, "This apartment, selection 5, is done in the "SouthWest" style. Little is known of the region known as the SouthWest, but the walls are textured in a plaster like substance with rounded edges and arches." Fill the apartment with more flavortext spinning questionmarks, like those last seen in the backyard, to describe the merits of that particular style.

    In the terminal, or on the NPC, the keys should be numbered to coorespond to the apartments. The NPC or terminal should be able to check an eligability indicator in the characters information.

    Lump all items from the old apartment into the new apartment in the main, or central most, room.
    Last edited by Sean Roach; Jun 20th, 2002 at 07:45:55.

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