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Thread: a idea to make team mission boss room more fun . and MORE mobs, What if ........

  1. #1

    Question a idea to make team mission boss room more fun . and MORE mobs, What if ........

    the problem with boss rooms isnt the strengh of the boss or the fact that he has a silly anount of guards

    the problem is this

    u press the boss button , u get a delay. abit of lag zoneing with 5 other ppl

    then u are zoned right in the middle of 7 mobs and a big bad boss all storming one person

    this is the idea

    1) make boss room at last 4 times as big
    2) boss button zones u to a " safe " spot in the boss room
    ( by this i mean behind a big item or something like that were the mobs wont run to
    3) add ALOT of big items in the room so u can move around the room with abit of skill avoiding the line of sight from the mobs

    this will mean that u all are put into a safe spot. u can work out a plan of attack , u can then sneek around and pick off the mobs when they break from the main group . this will take alot of team work and skill and make with some teams the boss room very hard but with a teeam what works well togher they will be able to kill all mobs alone with no adds.

    then the boss to be killed as normal .

    by doing this u could happly have 10 even 15 or so boss guards as u can sneek around ( no sneek skill needed, just walking behind things) and killing mobs when they are close.

    what do u think? i love boss and how hard it is. but the guards take the fun out of it , but i want to still fight the boss guards just in a more stragic manner.

    please post replys to say if i am stupid atrox or not
    thanks for your time

  2. #2

    Post God idea but...

    It's a fun idea i think maybe it will be too hard with so many guards and so big of a room.
    Im doing team missions regulary and we almost everytime have to blitz the item and dont kill the boss and helpers cause its too hard.. This with a full team level 130-160+ doing ql 180'ish missions.

    With a harder boss room the weakest in team (as mp, nt and doc) will have almost no chance of survivle.. I often die in boss room with my large hp buffs and ql200 armor and i will deffinetly die then..

    It's a good idea for those who can take a lot of hits before then see the reclaim, but for others it will make the boss room impossible i believe..

    And the walls to hide behind is a fun idea too, but remember that the mobs can attack and kill you threw walls as it is today :/

  3. #3

    Cool your right

    you are right of corse.

    but they need to do something so your not dropped into the action . nanomages , doctors, hell anything what isnt a sol with mk get killed in a flash and spend the last 2 seconds of there life trying to use the button


    what about 3 rooms for the boss lvl them ?

    your all put into one room were u can get togher

    in next room there is lots of mobs but also alot of objects for them to walk around to make pulling easyer

    then after that there is a 3rd room with the boss

    something like that

    anything it dosnt rearly matter as long as your not dumped right into the action

    i allways have to blitz the missions, i am a 110 atrox MA and doing even ql 130 boss missions we can do it ok but somebody gets instant death , who ever zones in first gets 6 people shooting at them before they can even zone in fully

  4. #4

    Thumbs up

    Well if our nanos such as calms and roots, from NTs and Traders, worked on the higher level MOBs and thte boss' then it'd be easier. As it is now, my lvl 40 with 750ac's and 950 health will get critical hit till I cry. If I take the agro, It seems it's a crit hit every time, and it hurts even though it's a QL50 or so. Maybe if they scaled the damage of the MOBs to match the ammount of people in the boss room at any given time. But make it too hard for 1 or 2, but 3+ could take it with some problems.

    But, I think they shouldn't be able to crit hit you every damn shot, I think that needs to be addressed. Well, even if they didn't crit hit me every shot, I think it'd be ok and not to hard.

    Just my thoughts.

  5. #5
    Adding objects to the room will never happen before pet pathing works. Kinda sucks.

    Or, knowing FunCom, maybe that's exactly what's gonna happen...?

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