After playing UO and AC for 2 years and playing this game for almost a year I have to wonder, when does Funcom learn from other game companies?

In the beginning AC was doing the nerf thing and upsetting their player base with just about each patch. Soon after the shadow armor fiasco they published that they would no longer do any "nerfs". Soon after the patches consisted of better and better power items, more and more content and harder challenges (read mobs) to offset this new power. With so many items to choose from and the knowledge that the next set of new items will be better there was always something to look forward to. I can only hope that Funcom takes AO in the same direction.

Soon the number of new players coming into the game will slow down and the only choice Funcom will have is to keep their hardcore players happy.

I only hope they do this sooner than later.

Positive note: With the exception of the "trader" nerf, patch 14.4 seems to be like what I am talking about so maybe they are learning.