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Thread: Money is becomeing worthless

  1. #21
    A lot of good ideas but an easy one would be to actually stock the shops with usefull stuff rather than this random BS. You could actually sink money into buying a matched set of armor and not spend 10 hours running from shop to shop. This obviously wouldn't help once the QL is above 125 (is that right or am I off by a few either way bah).

    But after that point someone had once posted the idea of player shops. Basically you sit and setup a little shop in front of you like a fruit cart. Then players can come up and use it like any other shop. Just a visual queue that you are open for business rather than having to keep sending chat messages. Don't know how viable this is but I would be nice.

  2. #22
    EQ's economy is not inflating. As every month goes by, items devalue *drastically*. You can buy several items today for 20% of their value a year ago. Lammy's went from 9k to 2k in 8 months, and the price is still dropping.

    It used to be you camped mobs for items, then sold them. Smart people are starting to fight for cash, then buy good items for a song.

    I believe that it's irrelevant how much money a HL can throw at a purchase, because High Levels don't buy the things that constitute the bulk of the market. Bill Gates could certainly plunk down $5 million for a Hyundai if he wanted. But he buys yachts, not economy cars.

    In my experience, items become less rare over time, and more accesible at lower levels. This does in effect make the game easier, but that's a balance issue, not an economic one.

    What I see as valid about your point, though, is that there is a lack of *content* at higher levels. Whether is be nowhere to go, nothing to kill, or nothing to buy, the end result is the same.

    You don't need money sinks, per just need more cool stuff to buy.

  3. #23
    Originally posted by Metafistics
    I believe that it's irrelevant how much money a HL can throw at a purchase, because High Levels don't buy the things that constitute the bulk of the market. Bill Gates could certainly plunk down $5 million for a Hyundai if he wanted. But he buys yachts, not economy cars.
    That's because he can USE a yacht....What if he wanted to reroll and all he could use was a economy car?

  4. #24
    Originally posted by Zarrot
    But after that point someone had once posted the idea of player shops. Basically you sit and setup a little shop in front of you like a fruit cart. Then players can come up and use it like any other shop. Just a visual queue that you are open for business rather than having to keep sending chat messages. Don't know how viable this is but I would be nice.
    I like this one a lot. I'm fed up with spamming shopping channels most of lower levels simply turn off as it looks. One improvement would be you could rent a shop, put your stuff in, set the prices (or even put things on auction) and log off.
    Yeah, I'm lazy, I know it

    Damn, I'm a TRADER! Traders sell finished goods, they don't MAKE them. And as it is it's not even worth it...

  5. #25

    Just an idea I suggested before from players

    This document is a proposal for Cosmik (As he seems to be the community’s only way to communicate with the designers). Any other community members should read this as well. Pardon me if my English and grammar is bad because I’m a Chinese/Japanese based person. My post is very long with 3 pages of information.

    Dear Cosmik and any other person, who may be reading this,

    After reviewing a thread about the money issues within the game Anarchy Online. I have came up with a series of solutions regarding the problem of players having too much money. I have deprived these ideas from many community members who have contributed their thoughts and concepts and has decided to put them all in a single document.

    As a first act to give something rich players items to buy. I propose to implement a new vehicle system to the current one. This system will not only attempt to give rich players a lot to pay for ,but will also give Rubi Ka a better look. There are two parts to the vehicle topic.

    > Flight Limits and Vehicle Type

    Currently most people have yalhms when they are around level 70, this is fine as changing the price of the yalhms would not change the number of people who currently own yalhms and would not serve as a balance.. Most rich players would be willing to pay a lot for a vehicle that stands out in the crowd and gives them the sense of fortune, but understanding that Funcom usually won’t bother to spend time to create variations of vehicle.

    What Rubi Ka needs is a flight limit for all the different types of vehicle. My idea is to alter the flight limit of different vehicle. This may be very hard to understand for many people. The simple idea is to limit the flight altitude current yalhms that most players have. I would like to see that current yalhms become more of a ground vehicle then a plane, don’t get me wrong the current altered yalhms will still be airborne but only at hover altitude; they should hover at tree height and above all players. This altitude should be set fixed so the yalhms can no longer move up and down.

    `This fulfills the yalhm as expensive hovercraft, but not as a plane. Also this makes the world look much more realistic as you can imagine all the yalhms players have would hover within a same height. In 20K and the major cities you can see lots of futuristic vehicles on the street level there will be lots because now the yalhms all fly at the same altitude .Another minor point is that the requirements for navigating a ground vehicle should be vastly reduced so we’ll have lots of cars on the ground and lots of hover crafts in the air which completes the futuristic look of Rubi Ka. Which leads us to the next question, What will fly high if the yalhms can no longer do?
    The answer is that there would be a second range of crafts which are classed as planes. These will not require another model this will appear as a VERY big Yalhm as big as the one you can see in 20k, now these crafts can fly high, but they will still have a limit they will only be able to fly as high as the omnitek buildings or a bit higher and also these yalhms will produce sound and make everyone notice it’s presence. Now these will be very expensive though I cannot say how expensive, but they will be only in reach for the rich players who don’t know where to spend their money.

    These will draw many rich people to want to buy one because it’ll stand out from the crowd a lot if they yalhm height law is enforced also they are very very big compared to the average street level yalhms. Players who have possession of it can showoff to the other players and stand out a lot also appear to be rare and special, just like what was the people in yalhm like when they showed their planes to the newbies. This will add the imagery of very big vehicles flying in mid air in major cities.

    Finally to get the richest players a way to use their money is by introducing Air Carriers. Again new models are not needed as Funcom can use their current carrier model and change it to really big (bigger then the flight grade yalhms). These will cost a fortune so much that even the richest predicted players will go broke. It will feature things from the flight grade yalhm like sound, size and flight, but this one can fly way above to anywhere so there is no limit in flight level like current yalhms. This carrier will be loads bigger then the biggest flight grade yalhm, has lights that glow brightly in night. For the most of all I would like to see a passenger feature that will attract most players to waste their money on it or just play to one day obtain this item. Again I note that this should be very expensive even to the richest players

    The player’s team will be invited to the air carrier when the player equips it. A dialogue will pop up for the team members “Would you like to go aboard (playername)’s air carrier?”. The team members that agreed will then be able to lure into the craft and their camera will be set to stick with the owner of the craft. This will be the ultimate thing for many players and will complete the imagery by adding huge ships in the air above cities. Would be cool is you can say “ Would you like a lift in my brand new aircraft?”

    > Fuel and other charges to reduce player money

    As players before has mentioned a fuel system. I suggest a similar system to be applied if my idea above is enforced then the fuel charge at different types of craft will multiply for example a flight grad yalhm will cost 20 times more expensive fuel then a ground vehicle.

    The major change in fuel charge is the place the player is. If the player is within Omni 1 or Tir then the fuel he is charged will be free , but if the player is in a outdoor place like Pleasant Meadows or Broken Shores charges will be much more. Charges only apply while player is within vehicle and is charged at every 10 seconds ( or different interval is fine) , a second is automatically charged when you board the vehicle (like mobile phone charges : ))

    Costs for ground types will be barely noticeable, cost for a average yalhm would affect enough so the players would not stay in their yalhms apart from their travel but in the major cities it will be free and only in the places outside of the city will you be charged. Costs of using flight grade yalhms would really hurt players if they fly for too long, but still affordable by the general wealthy. Costs of using the air carriers outdoors would be free. It is better to have it like this because nobody would waste their money on a air carrier if they cannot move it outdoor. The simple explanation of a carrier is big enough to have its own self reactor would be sufficient. Players would not waste such a large amount of money to obtain something that he can’t fly outdoors for a long time. Plus air carriers are generally slower then yalhms and cannot cover as much distance in a specific time.

    To enforce the vehicle charges more the final thing that is needed to do is to charge for the mass transit system The Grid. A transport with such high precision and technology would cost a lot to transport as first class in our fastest trains do. We should make it so people won’t travel with the grid unless they really need to arrive at a place in time. To do this firstly we need to charge a lot for grid transport and after you grid you cannot do so for a specific time. It will charge a amount that is relative to you’re level when you attempt to enter the grid this is to make it easy for designers as to not need to calculate the distance the players are traveling. Whompahs will still be free of course. Fixers will gain their way of making money as their grid will not cost money, but traders will pay as the trader will pay 6 players cost to team grid. Doctors will pay the 6 player cost as well but less as a way to make themselves money because a member before has suggested that doctors are not very wealthy. However the grid fatigue will still be enforced and it will take some time to be able to grid again even. This will make fixers generally a much more better class.

    And in the end , more players will transports via vehicles becaus e of the expensive grid transport and more vehicles will roam in cities giving it a more futurisic atmostphere.

    This concludes my suggestions I know a bunch of you will find my ideas idiotic , but truly this is a proposal to Cosmik that I hope he will consider : )

    With regards,


    - Flight grade yalhm will generally be faster (like a sportscar)
    - Only one vehicle can be owned by one person at a time. That means to get a new one you'll have to delete you're old one to prevent people switching vehicles for the fuel price.
    - The limit of the height of current yalhms will be a bit higher then trees and fences so navigation advantage of flight will still be enforced.
    - all the vehicles will remain as NODROP items
    - The prices of current mission request charges MUST be greatly increased , and should be relative to level. This is to stop people using third party programs to overuse the system and scan 100 tries for a item.

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