• The general lighting in this game is very dark with incredibly bright/washed-out areas here and there. Can we do something to spruce up the ambient lighting conditions? Just seems all out of whack and unbalanced.
  • Fix the skill timer lag issue please. Have the client check with the server first before it displays any msg about a skill being ready. Would save us a lot of headaches and frustration.
  • Improve our GUI. Why on Earth are bank displays only 6 slots? It would be great if these container windows were adjustable.
  • Get rid of the "Someone's damage shield hit you for # damage," and replace it with the appropriate owner of the damage shield please.
  • Improve the chat filters. I only see my MA attacks doing damage when I have "Other hit by nano" on. Why is this? Am I not the originator of the damage essentially?
  • More clothing options please. I'd specifically like arm coverings that go from wrist to halfway up the upper arm, as if they were long gloves. So that we could tack on gloves of similiar styling to make them look like long gloves.

I think that's about enough for now.