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Thread: Are the clans wealthier than us?

  1. #1

    Are the clans wealthier than us?

    I was always under the impression that the clans on Rubi-Ka had traded wealth and comfort for a an abstract notion of freedom and self-respect. And though I don't condone armed insurrection, I could somewhat sympathise with their plight and their desire to improve their living conditions. However I was at an event last night which was a bit of an eye opener.

    This was at charity held by The Healing Hand in which "Dream Dates" where being auctioned off ( nice event btw). I was somewhat surprised to see bids going into the 2,3, 5 million range coming from clansmen. Are these really the poor, oppressed people of Rubi-Ka? If so they seem to be doing rather well for themselves.

    I don't have any facts or figures on me, maybe someone keen enough might want to commission a survey from Batesman & Fletcher, but the thought does occur, could the average clansman really actual enjoy a higher standard of living (economically) than an Omni-Tek employee and if not could it be because the clan's wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small clan elite happy to leave the rest of its population living in poverty?

    Just a thought.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  2. #2
    Clanners have the same chances to earn money as employees of Omni-Tek have. Sure, they have to work harder, and some other odds are against them, like higher (much higher) prices at their shopping terminals, but you learn to deal with that, and are very willing to accept it for the freedom to have your own opinion, and not be a puppet of some company which has already made it clear how important the land and their employees, their "family" are for them.

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