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Thread: U V C

  1. #21
    Actually, i'd prefer the MOB's remain tough. Just increase the XP curve. Its kinda obsurd you have to group, and have to do tons of hard missions to get anywhere at higher levels. I mean, i get 7-20K xp per kill of yellow MOB's that i solo at my level. Considering it takes almost 9mil xp to level thats just not going to get me a level anytime this week.

    I enjoy a good fight with a tough MOB(s), but i also would like to get rewarded properly for it.
    {Beyond the Drunken Master, is the Plastered Master} Lilasiandude 216 MA
    Proud Member of Storm, and the Betty Ford Clinic

    -Sllammer 216 enf. - Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Click!


  2. #22
    Originally posted by elektrikflo
    UVC is what gives us our advantage.

    It isn't cool to have everyone else having your advantage when you fight them.

    I think most good buffs should be self only.(especially RRF)
    It's definitely true that if all good buffs were self-only, FC would have an easier time trying to balance out the professions a bit. But I rather like the fact that getting buffs from friends/teammates/etc. can make such an impact. True that many folks abuse it, especially at low twink levels, but it really does make the game a lot more interesting.

    I have to admit that I probably think this way partially because other than our drain buffs (which don't really fall under the same category), the only other trader combat buff worth using is Quantum Uncertainty, and if there is a fixer around, I'd much rather have a run buff.
    Alynie 153 Storm Trader

    Returning after a 6 month hiatus

  3. #23

    Cool ????

    " UVC is what gives us our advantage.

    It isn't cool to have everyone else having your advantage when you fight them.

    I think most good buffs should be self only.(especially RRF) "

    K, let me note your name down, just to make sure you don't get hp buffs and other such, since thats our advantage. Critbuffs are the most powerful nano in the game, making it self only unbalances everything. But I don't care, makes essence and such self only then, I don't mind fighting MA's with 2k hp, critt or no critt.

    The way it is today MA's can get all and give none, so don't come babbling about : Its our advantage.


    Frozenblade, 118 enforcer

  4. #24
    That is EXACTLY what we need elec. We need harder mobs with better xp rewards. We need mission mobs to give more than 70-80k max, we need some mobs (non-unique) that give 200, 300, 400k exp each but require a lot more to take down. Not this same regurgitated horse **** for 100 levels.

  5. #25

    UVC v RRF - Essence - Healing - etc

    Here's the problem... all the defensive buffs work, but the primary offensive one is now MA only. The fact that damage is 50% and capped at 40% already made healing classes uber... now there is no way that most classes stand a chance of killing a player who can heal at all well. Most MAs are picking up a weapon, agents at high levels are going to switch to a large alpha weapon to get the most out of that 8s of 100%. Combine a neat combination of RRF, bracers, 50% dmg reduction in PvP and a decent heal and PvP becomes impossible. Good thing MAs have heals too... or they might have been in trouble.

    As an agent, I'm not complaining too much, because I know I can take down an opponent in less than 8s (but then need 7-14mins downtime) if I get a good alpha off... but I have guild members that are quitting or temporarily suspending accounts (hoping that a fix will be coming soon) because PvP is no longer an option for them.

    Simply put... without UVC, its not really possible to damage a well prepared opponent.

  6. #26
    Originally posted by elektrikflo
    UVC is what gives us our advantage.
    bbrrrr wrong
    Rubi-Ka's FiRST Neophyte Enforcer - Holder of Spoon - Stirring the pot - Pumpkin' Pie anyone?
    >Wo "Caol" Ha - 187 ENF | >Thzunami - 97 MA | >Wo "Dioxy" Ha - 30 TRA | In memory of The Council

    Jayde's Item Database - All you'll ever need -

    "BACK AWAY" - Pogobear / Skymarshal

  7. #27
    well FC fixed stuff and broke more stuff...whatca gonna do....
    Supersoly lvl 220 Atrox Enforcer
    Fearthis lvl 200 Opi MA
    Tehsoly lvl 60 Atrox Enforcer

    and a lvl 160+ sold...


  8. #28

    Red face Well

    In response to all of you that treatened not to buff me, NEWS FLASH. I don't use other classes nano's.
    "Lets kill all the Traders."-Loolikat
    "Anarchy Online without uber Traders........Heavan found atlast!"-Flexemon
    My heroes: JFK, Gordon Freeman, Duke Nukem, Jengo Fette, JC Denton
    "Grudge Match, Duke Nukem vs. Lara Craft."Wonder who will win that one.......Duke all the way baby!"

  9. #29
    *sniffles* *cries* *weeps*

  10. #30
    Nitex - lvl 184 trader
    Etin - lvl 191 ma
    Etinx - lvl 196 doctor

  11. #31

    Re: ????

    Originally posted by Morgoth
    "K, let me note your name down, just to make sure you don't get hp buffs and other such, since thats our advantage. Critbuffs are the most powerful nano in the game, making it self only unbalances everything. But I don't care, makes essence and such self only then, I don't mind fighting MA's with 2k hp, critt or no critt.

    The way it is today MA's can get all and give none, so don't come babbling about : Its our advantage.


    Frozenblade, 118 enforcer

    Would you like some cheese with that wine?

    Fine with me that you dont buff essence, whats a couple hundred some HP going to do for me? I'd much rather have HE, or RRF so i can continue to heal, or take a lot less damage. Essence in PVP is for enforcer and low level twinks that enjoy killing nubies.

    But i dont think any arranged 1vs1 fight(duel) should include outside buffs. The only thing youre testing that way is how many NCU you have.

    -Lilasiandude -taking time to think before he posts.
    {Beyond the Drunken Master, is the Plastered Master} Lilasiandude 216 MA
    Proud Member of Storm, and the Betty Ford Clinic

    -Sllammer 216 enf. - Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Click!


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