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Thread: Er Patch Or Game Broke?

  1. #1

    Er Patch Or Game Broke?

    Well ever since this new ER patch that FC Screwed up with I can not play and Shop Chanel Guild Chanel, Tell, Vicinity No one else can either You have officialy made the game even laggier than ever with this stupid patch. GET RID OF THE DAMN GERMAN SERVER OR HOST IT ON A GERMAN SERVER AND NOT STEAL BANDWIDTH FROM RK1 AND RK2!!!

    Now you just make it unplayable for us. If you want to make them a server do it the damn right way and make it a server not add it to the current servers. Hell it will only cost you another 15$ at the swap meet for another Comadore 64.

    My thoughts are They just Robbing our money cause out of every player in this game you have MORE than enough to pay for servers, Employment, Hell you prolly all got company cars now from our revenue. Why not give us something in return like Bandwidth.

    Now whoever agree's please post your comments. Whoever does not we could care less what you say then.

    A Very Disgruntled Customer

  2. #2
    Yup since the emergency patch lag has been horrendous.
    Taken me 15 min so far to zone out a mission and recharge life and health on my crat now to remake my bot. I reckon I should be back in my mission in ooo 15 min woot way to make playing fun.
    I takes ages to do anything now standing around waiting to zone/ use a kit or any of the other things we all do is not my idea of fun. At the moment it would be quicker to play AO by email I would get more done.
    Sunraven - Jumpaholic and Speedfreak.

  3. #3

    Lag much worse

    Well the lag is much worse after the emergency server patch.

    Guess they needed to patch to fix an exploit

    Would have been nice to get a warning first tho.

  4. #4
    yes it is horrid.
    Lagging out of the game almost anywhere I have gone.
    Sad thing is it happens at least 2 mins after logging in.

    I really hope they are attempting to slove this issuse because I feel like I am paying to "try" and play.

  5. #5
    Totaly agree.
    AO is at the moment unplayable.

    FIX IT DAMN !!!
    ---Raquel "Dwbureaucrat" Laurence CLvl 214 Omni Crat --- [Eqp]
    ---Charles "Dwmeta" Thompon CLvl 177 Omni MP ---
    ---"Amanefo" CLvl 183 Soldier ---
    ---Ayanna "Dwvip1912" Peak CLvl 37 Clan Fixer (Permanent Death RIP) ---

    "when I was a lowbie us fixers were so gimped we had to throw the bullets at the mobs" -Ekasel-

  6. #6


    Last time I experienced lag like this was back in the day when a buddy and i used to do direct dial connections with our 14.4 modems to play Doom.... actually, that lag was nothing compared to this. This is absolutly horrific, I can't believe this product is getting worse, it is simply beyond belief.

  7. #7

    Jebus save us.

    I can't even log in after being lagged out of the game....
    Implament Improved Jumping Nanos for the MAs!

  8. #8
    I renamed my bot "Third Server = Lag". Now if only I could get it on the OOC channels..
    Testlive addict.

  9. #9


    This doesn't sound good for logging on tonight.

    One way to help bandwidth, get rid of (e.g. ban/kick) the spamlord auctionbot. No wonder no sane people keep 1-50 open.

    Don't worry about helpbot though, always checking teaming levels and it doesn't spam unless you ask it to.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Mercatura
    This doesn't sound good for logging on tonight.

    One way to help bandwidth, get rid of (e.g. ban/kick) the spamlord auctionbot. No wonder no sane people keep 1-50 open.

    Don't worry about helpbot though, always checking teaming levels and it doesn't spam unless you ask it to.
    I doubt that a single bot is lagging down the server...

  11. #11
    my solution to the different kinds of bots...

    /ignore auctionbot
    /ignore yalmbot (is this still in the game?)

    works wonders for clearing up that 1-50 shopping channel


  12. #12

  13. #13


    lag is worse
    and I've crashed on zoneing (to ATHEN) 3 times

    (perhaps i'm just not waiting long enough 15 mins and I terminate)

    at least it seems to clean itself up when you log..
    My machine will actually shut down propely after playing now!

    every team I've payed in after the patch (14.1 & 2) someone had been LD'ing from the team repeatedly


  14. #14
    I haven't got any extra lag! Just don't go near FT in Tir, Newland city or omni trade and its fine.
    BiggerDave - 93 Omni Soldier
    Fethers - 43 Omni Agent
    Phetherz - 18 Omni Doctor

    Unit member of Omni-Tek Blackwolf Operations

  15. #15
    Was anyone been on the german server at all??? believe me when i say it isn't taking up much of the bandwidth. And even if it was the argument is irrelevant because if they weren't on the german server they would be taking up the same bandwidth on either RK1 or 2 except more pressure would be put on a single server.
    Member of the "I tried SWG and I am still kicking myself for it" club

  16. #16

    it's just bad.

    I'm always getting lagged out when entering a door. Get a big blank screen then disconnect.

    It's just not right.
    Implament Improved Jumping Nanos for the MAs!

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