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Thread: Tackling the RP(lack of) problem /me waves hands at funcom hey over here>

  1. #1

    Red face Tackling the RP(lack of) problem /me waves hands at funcom hey over here>

    I believe the RP aspect of the game should be top priorty for funcom it is what is going to make AO stand out from the pack. Here are some RP sugestions that would help stimulate RP in the game:

    ~ Rp orgs are a good start like i said b4 RP super orgs with clan orgs acting like divisions are a very good idea. Read my post here for more about that.

    ~ Also taking over territories very important. The way i see it working, and i sure funcom has the same idea, is at outposts and such arround rubika there will be groups of mobs. That will start out omni, clan, or neutral, your team will have to go and kill all the mobs when you clear the area of mobs it respawns to the same side as your team is on. So if your team is on side of clan and you clear an omni outpost it will respawn with clan mobs. I think it would also be cool to have a real time kinda color coding on the map of who owns what territory and wether an area is under attack. Then you could also put pvp at the important outposts that would allow players to defend an area. This is great because not only does it add an extra fun and exciting element to the game but it also gives players more static RP things to do other the hunting and missioning that they dont have to plan and organize.

    ~ More find the objects quests, scavanger hunts, recon missions that dont necessarly require you to go into a mission area but just go into hostile territory find a person tell them like a passcode get an item and return it to another person.

    ~ How bout implementing a RP rating system for orgs and players
    giving them points for organizing or taking parts in events, taking over territory, sucessfully acomplishing events and quests. Then funcom can create events where the players have to have a certain rating to participate.

    That is all for now thank you

    /me sits down

  2. #2
    None of those solutions will even touch the RP problem in AO.

    The RP problem in AO is based 100% upon the lack of a complete world. By that, I mean, the world has virtually no npc's of note. Without NPC's, the world is an empty and pointless one.

    In any story, the heroes need to interact with the people of their world.

    You NEED NPC's as a foundation before ANY rp'ing of any note will take place.

  3. #3
    NPCs and role-playing are not even remotely analogous. Role-players don't want to interact with NPCs, role-players want to interact with other role-players.

    What you want is NPC-enhanced storyline.


  4. #4
    See Swerve, you think just like Funcom. That's why the game sucks.

    I never said that RP'ing is analogous with NPC's.

    RP'rs need a world to RP in. A fleshed out, seemingly real world. Without that real world, their RP'ing is baseless. It has no point, and thus is uninteresting. You need to have an interesting world, that gives REASON for people to roleplay, they have an INTEREST in the happenings and going-ons of the world.

    RP'ing sucks in AO because people aren't interested in Rubi-ka. Why? It offers nothing. It's devoid of any human element related to the story, it's senseless, random, and pointless.

    That's why AO is devoid of RP'ing. No one is really motivated to do it.

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