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Thread: Next Patch: Fix Pathing

  1. #1

    Next Patch: Fix Pathing

    Ok, here's a few reasons why pathing needs to be a high priority thing for the dev-team to get working on:

    1. Three classes need it. Crats, Metas, and mostly Engineers. Crats mostly use their pet as supplimental damage, Metas can recast so they aren't complaining, but engineers...

    2. Teaming and why Engineers REALLY need it. Maybe I'm just being selfish, but after helping a lot of people get to where they are today hunting outdoors, having to watch those same people ignore me, tell me to just switch professions (like I can hit a button and bam, I'm an MA of the same level or something), and leave teams I'm in, not because I'm annoying (I hope :P), but because my pet is too slow? How is that fair?

    3. MoBs and the Yo-yo effect. Mobs with their 100% perfect, track you through walls, hunt you through locked doors, and teleport next to you if none of the above work pathing have a huge advantage over pet classes that are limited by a misplaced chair or a too small door frame. Especially when the mobs start that yo-yo thing, where they run in and out of a room, pulling adds, and 9 times out of 10, hanging the pet in an inaccessable area.

    4. PvP. Not much here really except it's almost impossible to pvp when your pet runs in the exact opposite direction when you tell it to attack. Or maybe your opponent walks behind a tree and suddenly your pet just skids to a halt right there unable to figure out what is blocking it.

    In short FunCom, give them some sort of AI, at least enough to figure out how to get around objects and through doorways. I've had to abandon my engineer due to this, because once you get past outdoor hunting where a pet has room to bounce around off random objects, there is no way for them to level. And I'm sure MP's and Crats wouldn't mind having pets that do what they are supposed to either.

    Also, fixing pathing room by room doesn't cut it. For one thing, about one room gets fixed per patch, and pets still run around like crazy. 14.1 made this even worse. Fixing one area of the map doesn't solve the problem. Hiring someone with the nessesary skill to program bot pathing (if no one currently on the dev-team can do it) does solve the problem.

    Please, please, PLEASE FIX PATHING. The game has been out for almost a year and this subject hasn't even been looked into.

  2. #2
    Had a last mission before 14.2 and my bot supprised me today.
    Not only did he do the ususal stupid things, like run around the entire complex to attack a MOB in front of him and run back and forth like a jojo while attacking as well as getting stuck in tables and a crater, but he actualy did MOB attacks through walls and phased through walls.

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