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Thread: Adding to content?

  1. #1

    Arrow Adding to content?

    Some general ideas that might add to content. They may have already been discussed, but I wanted to talk more about it!

    1. Certain items should get much better prices if sold to certain booths or cities. (There is a shortage of weapons in Lush Fields, for example, and they will pay 25% more this week, or you always sell robot junk to the eletrical trade booth because you get twice as much.)

    2. Have more variety between city stock. I like how you can go to a neutral area and find clothing that's not sold in Omni areas. This should be expanded. Maybe Omni has the best rifles and assault guns, but neutral has the best blunts and clan rocks with shotguns? It would give people more of a reason to leave their shelters.

    3. More heads. There are only maybe four heads for Asian or Black model solitus bodies. What about expanding that? How about some heads that have new hair styles, white hair doesn't always mean you're old. If you need examples, look at some Sims sites. Seriously. If you want appearance variety, that's where you look. And I'm sick of killing my evil twin in missions.

    4. The male "+weight" model looks fat in the stomach, but the female just has bigger boobs and butt? What about a +weight then a ++weight? Have a more buffed version of the male and female, then a chunky version of both.

    5. Use the first and last names sometimes? It's almost pointless to have those given names, the shop keepers call you by your nickname, somehow, and so does everyone else. Kinda weird, aye?

    6. More clothes! I've discussed this in other posts, just re-iterating it though.

    7. Please add a channel for people spamming for guild members. That way they have a place to look for members without forcing everyone else to turn off OOC.

    8. When you drop something, does it HAVE to look like a question mark box? Is this the future or a game show?

    9. If useless mobs are just going to wander the streets, incorporate them into the black market.

    (You offer the mob, Joan McDonnell, 250 credits.)
    Joan McDonnell: "What, you think that's enough? Punk. Scram." (You offer Joan McDonnell 1000 credits.)
    Joan McDonnell: Alright, you can find Martin Edwards in Newlands for the next two hours, and if you whisper to him the ancient tongue twister; "Sally sells seashells by the seashore." He'll sell you a Rotting Biogun real cheap.

    Something like that, anyway. It's also been talked about on this board by some of the fixers and others! Just adding to that idea.

    10. Profession-only buildings. Have a sort of "guild hall" atmosphere in some cities, perhaps very few locations. This would be a great way for newbies to get advice in their profession, to learn tricks of the trade and to find hunting partners.

    What do you all think? I know that AO isn't exactly a roleplay game, and never will be a full-throttle one, but it can have some elements that give it an edge. I'd hate to think it was just an MMOHNS, afterall..
    I just reactivated my old account...

    Older characters:
    Coy "Nieshka" Bobieshka, Solitus Engineer. Omni.
    Seeker "Finniksa" Sorentzah, Opifex Martial Artist. Omni.
    Pious "Adnuntiatrix" Mohenjodaro, Opifex Fixer. Clan. Rubi-Ka Shadow Force. *dead org*
    Necole "Nikse" Cordiero, Solitus Soldier. Clan.
    ---My friends make me alt.

  2. #2

    Thumbs up

    bumping this set of good ideas.

  3. #3
    Like that. No chance FC will implement any of that though...

  4. #4
    Too true, too true.
    Big bump though, just in case
    I must warn you that I fight very dirty, I spit and fart and soil myself


    "Sings we a dances of Wolves
    Who smells fear and slays the coward

    Sings we a dances of Mans
    Who smells Gold and slays his brother"

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