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Thread: Why not cap the attack rating?

  1. #1

    Why not cap the attack rating?

    Wouldnt it be smart for FC to cap the attack rating of weapons/nanos to f.ex. +25% of the requirement?

    This would result in 4 things.

    1) Low lvl nanos will be easier to resist due to low attack rating. No more low lvl roots being more effective than high lvl.

    2) High lvl traders will no longer benefit from 1300 Attack rating. Enforcers will see a similar decrease, though their weapons usually have very high reqs compared to shotguns.

    3) Weapons need to be upgraded consistantly. Krys knife will be useless.

    4) High level buffs on low level chars will have less or no effect. Depending on OE of the char in question.

    I can in no way think of every possible impact this would have so plz comment on this. My first impression is that this would be a smart thing to do. Since high lvl roots will suddenly be important.
    Dont know how this would affect the NT's arsenal though.

    It would help resolve 2 important issues and would have no effect on the normal use of weapons.


    Last edited by Demios; May 29th, 2002 at 13:37:41.

  2. #2
    Sorry buddy but my attack rating, flurry and Challenger is what makes me different from everyone, for that attack rating I have to face the consequence of a nano shutdown.

    1018 Attack rating.

    I seen agent with 1150 self.


  3. #3
    No thanks. From what you are saying, and correct me if I misunderstood, but leveling and spending points in your weapon skills wouldn't raise your damage with said weapon past the cap? I just equipped my first QL 200 weapon at level 124 (not OE'd past 20%), which is cool for me because I know that I can keep spending points in my weapon skills to increase my damage as I keep leveling. Not doing any more damage for the remaining 75! levels would be no good.

    Just my opinion, and, like I said, correct me if I'm wrong on any of that.


  4. #4
    Actually, if anything, attack rating should make MORE of a difference. Right now, attack rating doesn't do all that much. It's really all about the QL of your weapon, and not about your attack rating nearly as much.

    What you are proposing would make that even worse.

    As far as nanos are concerned, I feel that it needs to work the other way around. Currently, the only benefit you get with higher level mezz and higher level root is that they last longer. I feel that the higher level they are, the tougher it should be to resists them. The right way to do this is NOT by making the lower ones more resistable. The right way is by increasing the power of the higher ones. The last thing we need now is yet another nerf (because that is precisely what you are proposing).

  5. #5
    Cloudeh i understand that the enforcers can get insane attack rattings, but +25% or +50%(just some number) should be enough to ensure you would never feel it on the weapon side. Aslong as you wear a weapon that compares to your buffed skill rating.

    The thing i was trying to fix is the fact that lvl 10 roots are better than lvl 190 since it has lower nano cost and attack rating is the same.

    By capping attack rating to +25 or +50% of the reqs the low lvl roots would become highly resistable and useless at high lvl.

    Hope this clears up some of the misunderstandings.



  6. #6
    Actually not a bad idea at all in my eyes. Would fix the nano resist at the same time.

  7. #7
    1018 attack rating i think now.

    And um, Morphex told me he had 1100 or 1050 so, Count agents in too.
    And dont forget traders debuffing things for attack rating noer

  8. #8
    i'm with pip. make attack rating play a much larger role than it does now.

    make the higher nanos better then the lower ones. make the higher better, not the lower worse.

    make skill drains drain less from players and a lot more from mobs ( to the point of having a real effect ).

  9. #9
    Thyrra the two things doesnt exclude each other in anyway.

    You could easily make attack rating mean more and still cap it.

    And you can easily make the cap sufficiently large so that weapon wielders would never feel the impact.

    I hope i can make you see the light



    P.S. Thyrra how would you make one root better than the other when duration is of so little consequence?

  10. #10
    placing a cap on attack rating would be a bad thing.

  11. #11
    make roots easier to land and harder to break as their ql increases.

    a cap that doesn't affect weapon users seems a bit rude to casters. i don't play a nuker, but feel for them.

    if they put in crits for nukes, then it would be a lot easier to accept. then again, crits on nukes would make nano evades work the way other evades work now; hopefully fc would implement it that way.


    maybe a bit more depth to your reasoning would help your case.

    i do like the ineffective krys knife and nerfed twink scenario though.

  12. #12
    Demios might be onto something... but the again, this sounds like something to be filled with bugs and ****nitz from FC side. Evade please, next idea. :P
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