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Thread: DJ Tarryk's Birthday Bash (screenshots, quotes, events, guests)

  1. #1

    DJ Tarryk's Birthday Bash (screenshots, quotes, events, guests)

    First off, Happy Birthday Tarryk :-)
    Past the halfway mark to 50....sure it sounds bad when you put it that way :P

    Second, its not called a Reethead Megabash for nothing. #4 as your Bday rocked. Props to you and metalnyx!

    Party lasted almost ...9hours right?
    Durring that time Cz, Holtemann, Cosmik, Daigalean, Mathis, and Marius showed up. Cosmik and Daigalean both said a little something on the air, which I think is a first for any gridstream here on Rubika! h00t h00t! And whats this, Daigalean attacked you? And you survived! (heheh, experimenting with scripts..or so he says...)

    heh, I think Cosmik asked people to post screenshots at one point, so I thought I'd kick off this post with that purpose.

    Here are a few of the 186screenshots taken durring the night




    HighRez, misc

    daigalean: "if cosmik comes into work wearing that fig leef *laughs* im outta here"
    Tarryk: "live, music, listen, you, reets"
    "Holy ..., somebody just turned me into a giant two headed dog,...i hate it when that happens"
    "your laughing your ass off,... admit it"
    "For the people by a person...among the people"

    "Are you having a good time tonight? Are you having a good time tonight, gimmie a couple of hoots if you are... If your not.... go eat a bagle"

    ..and your hearing it here, on the station i alrady mentioned!..

    heheh, enjoy! ^_^
    Post any screenshots you have!

    (and hopfully I can get my domain released soon)
    ReetHead "Karrd"
    First to "hand make" Custom Refs.
    President of the late Fixer Coalition
    Member of Storm
    Impatiently waiting to enter the shadow

  2. #2
    What can I say? What a party! And for those that weren't able to be oh my oh my. What a party! You missed fuzzy leets by the dozen, awesome music by the truckload, party people by the boatload, special effects by the....oh, lots and lots of special effects, and yes, it's true - the voices of myself and Dai-Galean were heard across the airwaves, and beamed around the planet from here in Oslo.

    I bet Tarryk is still recovering.

    Catch you party freaks again soon. More parties like this one, I say!
    Earn free game time and play with your friends[/b]

    Anarchy Online Community Representative

  3. #3
    - Some people say, "The AO support does not want to spend time with us, the customers". I am sorry, but the pictures says otherwise.

    - Some people say, "Anarchy Online is a game with no content". Wrong again, we the players are the ones that creates the content with events and crazy parties like this. Don't believe me? Send a /petition and ask for help to make your event.

    - Some people say, "Anarchy Online is a game with bugs and problems". I'd say compare to any other MMORPG, even the upcoming ones and I say, you will find them just as inperfect as any other human created creation.

    - Some people say, "Anarchy Online is a game that is dying". Kinda bizarre to compare a game with real life, but nothing lasts forever and seeing things like those I have just mentioned makes me wish that Anarchy Online was a game that was eternal because I loved what I saw last night. I loved the party, the people, the music and I loved the dance competition Cosmik had.

    Anarchy Online will live! - with the help of us players.

  4. #4
    It was an awesome party! And I stayed for all of it! Don't know about Tarryk but I'M still recovering.

    Just a few more screenshots:

    Cz put in a rare appearance:

    GM Lightshow!

    Cosmik and Dai-Galean in bikinis (what can I say?)

    Leets, leets, leets!
    Last edited by Aniee; May 27th, 2002 at 20:15:20.

  5. #5

    The Party

    Well well well.. Two word
    Just Amazing..
    You guys are great and the Dj was fantastic. Tarryk again Happy bday. Hope you head feels better in the morning.

    Remember all have fun cause that is what life is all about...

  6. #6
    Thanks everyone for the support and screenies! Reetheads rule, I just LOVE you guys and girls! Reethead Megabash IV was the best one yet, hands down. I could not have asked for a better birthday turnout.

    And yes, I'm still recovering. I'm still looking for my soul, it seems to have escaped my body at some point during my morning slumber. Metalynx was just about dead today, too, but he found the energy to go to a barbecue today. Go figure. I had a hard time sitting up straight, much less dragging out of bed.

    The party did indeed last for 9 hours! ACK! h00t h00t!

    A HUGE thanks to Cosmik, Daigalean, Mathis, Cz, Holtemann, Marius, and the FC support team for showing up and sprucing up the party with great effects, cool song requests (not all of which I had, heh), a dance contest, and a penchant for really poor taste in social outfits! LOL.

    And an extra-SUPER-huge thanks to Cosmik and Daigalean for doing the on-air interview. The people of Rubi-Ka and myself loved it, and it really put the Rumble Room on the map! Yup, that was a first for any gridstream on Rubi-Ka, I'm just so glad that GridStream Productions had that opportunity!

    Parties like this one have happened, are happening, and will happen in the future, and they get better every time! I'm gushing now, I told myself I wouldn't...I better go. I think there's aspirin in my backpack here somewhere....
    Last edited by Tarryk; May 27th, 2002 at 21:01:50.
    --The connections that enable us to learn are infinitely more important than our state of knowing.

  7. #7
    That ROCKED. Best party I've EVER gone to. And yeah, I didn't know what you wanted for your birthday so I got you some cake and 10k :P I was gonna get you a fluffly 100% fake fur LeetPal(TM) but that would mean running all the way back to trade to find a specialty store...or hiring a monkey to go do it for me

    I'll post pics later. (Still gotta go through them...there's like 500)
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  8. #8


    that was so awesome =) seeing the few old java chat faces from back in the day (yeah you all know who you are =) Happy b-day Tar, AWESOME party.

  9. #9

    Talking What a Night!!! Yea Baby!

    Godamn Tarryk! Rockind Party dude! Hey I was there at the beginning and the last few hours, The middle part I was godamn Lost in some camp near somewhere called Harry's! My team died and I bored a blood creeper to death with my inane ramblings.

    I felt scared and lost (the others in my team couldnt find me) But then, thats right, just then DJ Tarryk kicked in my tunes and all was alrighty! Couldn't help but boogie right there and then, The muties gathered around me in Bemusement, I swear one or two even joined in! And DJ Tarryk's ramblings got me home (back to the Party), just in time to catch the last few hours!

    All I can say to yuo Tarryk is... 'Play it again Sam'!

    Rock on fellow Reetheads!!!!!
    Crattyjack (RUR) - Director of Sales.
    Nashka (RUR) - Security Chief.
    Greenie01 (Devils Advocate) - Wheeler an Dealer.
    Emmet 'Bazzit' (Uncle Bazzit Foundry) - (Unofficial) CEO.
    Sightsee (The Makers Shades) - Lord.

  10. #10


    So I missed the On-Air interview with the now ROOKIE (crap, when did he get that one?) Cosmik and Dai? Ok, next time I'm asking for some hours off my work You guys r0xxx0rr!!!

    Noticed how Cz just have "Cz" while Cosmik have "Rookie Dance Champion Cosmik Electronic Boogie"? Oki, I could have made a joke about that but I'll leave it

  11. #11

    Just have to say this...

    "Mommy, I want to become a GM when I grow up!!!"

  12. #12

    Soooooo FUN!!!!!!

    I wanna be a DJ and have the adoration of millions of adoring fans!!! ^_^

    What a great party. I was at the beginning of it (on the glass dance floor) and the end, up in the Rumble room. Wow! I don't think I've ever seen that many people in one place! It was so fun!

    And the best part was that everyone was there celebrating a common, unifying thing: Tarryk and the music he brings into our lives! Isn't that better than blowing each other up? I think so...



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