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Thread: [ FC will not nerf LLTS]

  1. #1

    [ FC will not nerf LLTS]

    Recently i saw a 200 scope go for 15 mill + full set of QL 200 Flowers tech and a 197 scope. You can say that he was ripped off but alot of people are desperate for the few out there. Now what if u paid all that for nothing. And how many other players paid all that for nothing. And that number multipled that by 12.95 a month that FC wont get. that equals a FC

    Then what about MK2 armor that people have when it was so easy to get? And the treatment exploit that let people put on 200 imps mad early. Just ignore that stuff? And while we are on the issue of being here earlier that u get a unfair advantage. You should know that the game will change over time and that certain things will be taken out over time. People who come earlier in MMORPGs always get the good stuff while the game is still getting ironed out.

    Scopes worked best with fast high crit low normal damage guns. So the ini penality didnt hurt. And 18% isnt enough to make a ithica a good weapon at all. It needed a MA crit buff. So ma crit buffs are taken out and your ithica is now jus a average gun not the overpowered weap is was. Now guns with good normal damage and good crit have 2.0 2.5 or so and that ini penality will start to sting.

    And new players wont be that much of a disadvantage. Every player before had a scope or a couple to grow into so every guild will have alota scopes floating around. A new player jus has to join a guild and get the hand me downs.

    Plus the biggest reason that FC wont nerf scopes is I use one and they are too scared

    Kalashnakof [lvl] 128 Soldier
    Last edited by Kalashnakof; May 27th, 2002 at 03:00:41.

  2. #2
    Originally posted by Dai-Galean
    Blackmane was able to supply me with more answers to your question.. Hence as follows.

    LLTS - the optical effect is not going to be made switchable. In fact, it will likely be made
    into something that cannot be turned off using the current system. The new LLTS do not
    have a visual effect on them - use these new versions if you don't want the night vision
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