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Thread: funiest death?

  1. #21
    I didn't know it was possible to teleport in AO.

  2. #22

    Smile Not Death Yet

    I already posted my funniest death tale, this however is just a trial and error stupidity tale.

    Ever since I got my new Quantum Wings and have been able to soar around I like to log in high places where no one will be when I log back on. I am finding that many ledges are not really solid. Quite a number of times I have given joy to those around me as I disengage my Wings and come crashing to the ground.

    Still, I seek on for the perfect aerie.

    Randalpho 77th MP
    Quantum Wings: Another reason a Whining MP should be nuked.

  3. #23

    Re: Not Death Yet

    Originally posted by SodaMoca5
    I already posted my funniest death tale, this however is just a trial and error stupidity tale.

    Ever since I got my new Quantum Wings and have been able to soar around I like to log in high places where no one will be when I log back on. I am finding that many ledges are not really solid. Quite a number of times I have given joy to those around me as I disengage my Wings and come crashing to the ground.

    Still, I seek on for the perfect aerie.

    Randalpho 77th MP
    Quantum Wings: Another reason a Whining MP should be nuked.

    Then don't EVER land on the "roof" of the Council of Truth building. I made that mistake. Quite a nice fall that....NOT.

  4. #24

    Re: Not Death Yet

    Originally posted by SodaMoca5
    I already posted my funniest death tale, this however is just a trial and error stupidity tale.

    Ever since I got my new Quantum Wings and have been able to soar around I like to log in high places where no one will be when I log back on. I am finding that many ledges are not really solid. Quite a number of times I have given joy to those around me as I disengage my Wings and come crashing to the ground.

    Still, I seek on for the perfect aerie.

    Randalpho 77th MP
    Quantum Wings: Another reason a Whining MP should be nuked.
    whats Quantum Wings?
    Bareedoll the one that im playing now=)

    Crucius my first char=)

    sweforce2 not in the face!

    sweforce3 i just love mochams

    Advektor why adv prof?

    Member of The Ravens of Odin
    ore home page at TRO

  5. #25
    I just had my funniest death yet a few nights ago. I was in Camelot castle on a defensive team. The offensive team was busy killing Tarasque while us on the defensive team were keeping OT out of the castle. We were holding out in the box room down the stairs. We would hold there and let OT wander down and then chase them back out of the 25% area. After the offensive team killed Tarasque we chased OT out a couple more times and on my last time chasing them out - I was heading back down to the box room. Well - I was jumping down the stairs coming back down to the box room when all of the sudden I went into the ceiling over the stairs. I instantly took 184 points of fall damage about one-thousand times over or something rediculous like that. It was pretty funny to scroll up in the chat log and see hundreds of lines of:

    "You took 184 points of fall damage."
    "You died from fall damage."
    "You took 184 points of fall damage."
    "You died from fall damage."
    "You took 184 points of fall damage."
    "You died from fall damage."
    "You took 184 points of fall damage."
    "You died from fall damage."
    "You took 184 points of fall damage."
    "You died from fall damage."
    "You took 184 points of fall damage."
    "You died from fall damage."

    over and over and I dont remember if I took a screen shot...dont think I did - but I wish I had - was really pretty funny to take fall damage like that.

    Guess I learned my lesson - STAY OUTTA THE CEILINGS!!!

  6. #26

    Talking Quantum Wings


    Quantum Wings is an MP program that allows the MP to fly. It is self cast only, which is too bad because it is so fun. However, to allow us to cast it on others would really infringe on the Adventurers and Speed buffers. I think FC should give the adventurers a QW like program that they could cast on others. Maybe call it the flight of the Vulture or something. Turn everyone into high flying, speedy vultures.

    Anyway, with QW your speed is increased significantly with the spell (someone told me it was 400 but I don't know how to figure it out, it doesn't tell) and you can fly high enough to avoid aggro as well as go to missions in a basically straight line. Also it is just so COOOOOOL. I know I sound like a twelve year old (I'm actually 38) but I have not been this jazzed with a new toy in this game for a long time. I am sure it is the same joy that people get when the get their first yalm. Of course QW isn't fractured so that I become 6 inches high when they end. Also it is better for pictures. I have taken lots of screen shots of me hovering over areas, perched on top of areas, etc. Dang but I love being an MP. Pet pathing be damned, I love my pets, I love my buffs, I love my wings, I love helping people with Implants, I love buffing others, did I mention that I love my WINGS. Sorry, got carried away. And to think there are MP's out there that whine.

    Laeni: Good thing you warned me, I was going to try it that night One thing I have found that has worked so far, I try to fly through the structure I want to land on. If I go through then I don't land. If it stops me then I can land. Worked perfectly so far.

    Randalpho 79th level Clan MP RK1
    Shasta: Kill that Monster
    Whitney: Heal me up
    Ibn: Make pretty lights and be useless
    Hmmm, let's see what's in my inventory.

  7. #27

    RE: OT terminal guard

    Originally posted by SodaMoca5
    My most memorable Newbie death was when I was returning from a mission in Newland Desert. I had quite a bit of experience since last save and there was a save terminal in the valley. What luck. I was still trying to figure out what the count down was for when it ran out and a guard fried me. Now I know where the Omni terminal is in Newland Desert.

    OMG! I did by that guard´s weapon too, 2-3 days ago, and I am not a newbie, only picked the wrong place :P Was heading out to a mission after dying once, would like to finish it off, then I got the targetted music and spotted a guard with strange colors on his uniform.. Blam blam - dead. Next time I will just climb the valley walls, as I usually do The most stupid thing I did was to stop and turn around to see what was attacking me, as the first shot was rather weak. The second was NOT. I had run speed buff activated and could have outrun him in no time, but ack. Will get my revenge in a er.. few weeks

  8. #28
    My strangest death was 2 nights ago, at the bothackers camp in Southern Meadows. I was exhilarated because I had just then discovered that I could solo those sweet red BotHackers [I was playing my level 80 MP alt]

    So there I was, happily nuking a BH while my Frenzy was wacking another one silly. Turning around, I notice a LifeBleeder (greenish to me now!) and a crat standing by it. Nothing too wierd there, the LB was simply charmed. I get back to my fight, 2 adds have come up and suddenly I'm using all my skills just to stay alive.

    Up till now, nothing special you'll say.

    Well I died for sure, yet the killer was the LifeBleeder !!! That 'crat lost control and it went straight at me !! I was so surprised by the dreadful sound of the LB that I just stood there watching it ...

    And I ended up in Reclaim... messily losing 250k xp
    NainDeJardin Lvl 80 MP - Omni - RK1

    IdahoHF Lvl 68 NT - Omni - RK1
    Membre des Hydres Furieuses

  9. #29

    My most stupid deaths?...

    Newbie one, on my first evening of playing. Just gained level 4 in Omni Training Grounds, messing around a little, not realizing that HP are getting lower and lower. After all, contrary to lev 1, you can kill several leets in a row before dying. There was some awful lag, I thought I had more Hp left than what I really had... must've had 1 point left or something like this. I run through the portal to Rome Blue Backyard, takes the 'wrong' way, find myself on the stairs leading to the appartments... and what does the happy-camper do? As usual, I don't like using stairs, so I jump from the appartments' "balcony"...

    "You took 3 points of fall damage".

    White screen, stupid newbie, next skill to be raised was Adventuring

    Team mission with boyfriend playing Engineer and his lovely little robot. We take the elevator (teleport?) to the boss, who's an awful one with bots all around her (so my nanos' totally useless on them). Robot gets killed, bf gets killed, I see plenty of "You took 18 points of damage" on the chat window... I took the elevator back, found mself with0 HP... but still alive. This was a close one!

    And finally comes the Other Death, which was...

    Character dies.
    White screen.
    Comp stops functioning at this very moment.
    Me laughs, thinking "oh another Windows' crash. Surely comp's mourning my char's death. Ha-ha!".
    Restart comp.
    Nothing works.
    Me still laugh with boyfriend around.
    Half an hour later, still nothing.
    On the following morning, I had to pay 250 Eurobucks for chaning my mainboard AND processor, the both of them having died when MB's main chipset went poof.

    Maybe my comp REALLy hated my char dying and decided to commit suicide :lol
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  10. #30
    My story isn't one of dying, but a character having to be deleted:
    As a Newbie, a lvl 13 (Clan) MA - I decided to go exploring.
    In my adventures I discover the whom-pah to Broken Shores, I went through it.
    I reached the other end and found the nearest save terminal (Wow! thats expensive, I thought), little did I know what it would result in.

    I died later, being killed by a robot outside the East Athen gate.

    I resurrect in a weird place, a lone outpost/village with only a reclaim terminal and a clothes store.
    I thought "ok, let's find the way back..." - head down the road only to find dark red Wolves, I edged round them and went down a crossroad, meeting a Omni player on the way - we had a chat and they told me I wasn't far from Omni-1 (or was it Rome?).
    I ventured towards the Omni city (someone may know directions) only to be killed by a wandering Slayer Droid.

    I resurrect in that same poxy outpost, I ventured a different path at the crossroad, only to meet a group of extremely large spiders (which scared the hell out of me) - one got me and I died.

    I resurrect, this time, there was a Atrox Soldier with me too - we decided to go together and find a way back to Clan territory.
    1 1/2 hrs later, his wife arrived back home, so he had to log off and help bring the shopping in.

    Killed by a giant spider again, this time: I log-out and delete the charecter - starting all over again (boo hoo).

    And to this day, I still never save in Broken Shores...
    I must warn you that I fight very dirty, I spit and fart and soil myself


    "Sings we a dances of Wolves
    Who smells fear and slays the coward

    Sings we a dances of Mans
    Who smells Gold and slays his brother"

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