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Thread: Uh, here we go again ...

  1. #1

    Uh, here we go again ...

    Anybody remember the cries from the UO developers that Trammel 'was not a mirror'?

    Please, let me be wrong and tell me they didn't simply reuse the entire planet and just put trees with no leaves in it and block out the sun.

    I sure hope they can pull off the Sci-Fi angle in all this or I'll be looking for Thor and Loki to be duking it out somewhere in all of this.

  2. #2
    This caught my eye:

    If you are a member of the oppressively, evil Omnitek government, prepare to look just so: horns, bat wings, flames out the eyes, the whole sha' bang. Likewise, if you have lead your life nobly, fighting for democracy as a Clan member, your appearance will change accordingly. Funcom was very clear that nothing will be as it appears once you enter The Shadowlands.
    FC's evil compass needs re-calibrating.

    Although horns, flames and batwings would look pretty cool
    Numi7, Omni-Tech Employee
    Solitus Engineer
    Division 3 [Omni Reclamation]

  3. #3


    ...Omni-tek is evil, hell, give them hows and tales to!!

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