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Thread: Quick/action bar after death

  1. #1

    Quick/action bar after death

    One thing I get enough of in AO is deaths, and the *MOST* annoying thing about it for me, isn't the loss of xp (most of the times), but setting up the quickbar after items have been reclaimed..

    I remember this being discussed along time ago, and I afaik the discussion died out without any conclusion.. Well, I thought I'd give it a go, and see if I could start a discussion on the matter = )

    Well, first of the problem is that items disapears from the quickbar when they are removed from the inventory.. Well, one way to solve this problem is to remove the reclaim, and just let us keep all our stuff (yeah, like that's gonna happen)..

    Another way is to implement a second belt type (not necessarily a belt, but that was the only thing i could think of ).. Where you can put in items. This belt could also be the current Ncu belt we're using atm, with a container capability. The items in this special container can be place upon the quickbar. Only certain items may be put into the belt, not sure which should be allowed and which shouldn't, but here are my suggestions..

    - Trimmers
    - hp/nano stuff (Treatment/Nano kits++)
    - Weapons
    - MA special attacks*
    - Vechiles (yalm/kodiak/hovers++)*

    (* i included these items because the clutter up my inventory =D )

    Not allowed:
    - Everything else :P

    To make up for the fact that you don't have to wait for the reclaim, you can't use any of the items until you get your reclaim back, or until ressurection shock wears off..

    Another possibility (that I thought off as I was writing this), the items doesn't disapear from the quickbar at all if you die, they are just "redded" out (as the yalm is sometimes), until you take them out of the reclaim..

    Personally I like the belt idea.. But I'll be just as happy, just as long as I don't have to configure 4 pages of the quickbar each time I die =D

    Start pointing out the flaws of my post (or ignoring it) =D

  2. #2
    /me bumps post
    Venturealot - 190 Adv
    Plixie - 141 Eng
    + a bunch of alts

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