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Thread: MP's Initiative Debuff

  1. #1

    Question MP's Initiative Debuff

    Does an MP's debuff to opponent's Initiatives work in PvP? Is it effective as stated in the nano's description? Can anyone who has had it cast on them comment on this?

    (The nanos in question are Rage Eradication, etc...)

  2. #2
    Yes the top end is
    which is just -261 to Inites, Consinder a QL 70 LLT lowers inits by more no mps realy use them
    Fighting for Truth, Common Sense and Leet Dolls Since 1996

    Give the people what they want

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  3. #3
    FYI, Crat has a AE init debuff ! Yes its AE ! 1 cast = init debuff everyone within ~15m !

    P/S: it only does -30 init

  4. #4

    Unhappy They bite

    Not all that great. Times I have casted them in pvp noticed no difference whatsoever. Even ended up using as root breaker for short time :P

  5. #5
    Stopped uploading them somewhere around twelfth level or so. They don't come close to mattering. As I recall, they might have used a nano skill I didn't keep up with as well ....

    ... yes Matter Met. Stopped putting points into that somewhere around Demenus.

  6. #6

    Post Damdidum!

    I am for sure gonna restet my Matter met back to 480. That skill is useless for anything else than for using QW. (and yes...i dont care about init-debuffs, nano cost reducers or useless mezz pets)


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