Change the descriptions of the different profesion to match the actual game - not some dream made up before beta.

New players (god help you should be told the truth about the professions so they wont make the mistake of playing a char that will turn out to be a total gimp (like fixers)

Tradeskills suck in this game, the only thing you can actually do is kill things, over and over again. Its a bigger version of Diablo with better graphics. So all that crap about building things and actually be a trader should be removed.

Those out there who just wanna kill things and level, this is a good game. Sure, you can roleplay black market stuff, but I really think that this should have been implemented in the game in the first place.

My final advice to all new players is to make a new char just to get into the game and talk to other, older players. They will give you some good advice about what to do with your IP points earned from killing things like leets..
And I mean players with chars above 100, because its after that level that the drawbacks become really noticeable..