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Thread: Mission creation feature!

  1. #1

    Mission creation feature!

    I am currently working with a group of people to organise roleplaying events, independantly from GM/ARKs.

    Just one example of this is creating "NPC's" with whom a group of people must find or interact with as a form of quest, whereas the "NPC" would be a player controlled alt. char

    Every patch I have been checking if this feature is enabled yet or not, but sadly up to date it hasnt.

    Now, it appears to me this ain't on FunCom's top priority list, but it would be a great tool for many, and a very fun addition to the game.
    Imagine designing your own mission then assigning it to a team or to members of your org. Just try to imagine the endless possibilities to rpg'ing you could get, by people playing the "bad guy" to kill, or the fellow OT or Clan to rescue from kidnapping..

    vote here if you want to support this!
    Syryx, nanotechician by trade, proud member of Shadow Ops and part-time leet

    "that's not a bug, that's a feature"

  2. #2

    Post Well...

    We could always just do it ourselves. Granted there wouldn't be special mission areas per se, but still.
    "The engineer profession is geared toward the creation of items and weapons. No profession beats engineers at creating robots to do the dirty work for them. An engineer may not be the strongest of all professions but makes a powerful opponent or ally by using gadgets and robot helpers."

    Transcript of CHAR_CRE_29 sound in the AO character creation sequence.

    "This post brought to you by TECHNOLOGY! Indistinguishable from magic since 1875."

  3. #3


    well, thats exactly what we are doing, organising these things by ourselves.

    Having the mission creation tool would aid us a lot though....
    Syryx, nanotechician by trade, proud member of Shadow Ops and part-time leet

    "that's not a bug, that's a feature"

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