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Thread: German Server

  1. #1

    German Server

    Do we already paying customers get to play it on the live on the 24th?

    Or do we have to get a new account and pay more? ;/

    If so, lol.

  2. #2
    Actually, I was recently made aware of something important about the German server.

    It will not be run by FC... FC is leasing AO to a German company who wants a server for german players. Logically, this company will not give free accounts to the players of AO...

    So Cloudeh, go ahead and "lol" all you want....
    NT phone HOME!!

  3. #3
    Funcom announced the new server but they arent running it? That makes no sense what so ever. Why would the proudly present blah blah blah...

  4. #4


    You can beta on it for free right now...

    Hmmmmmmmmmm, I just realized I don't really care either way.

    Its also odd that 14.2 will likely be out when the german server goes up, but they're "beta" testing it now with 14.0. Strange
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  5. #5
    OH ****!

    Me and all me friends wanted to start on the german server, there wont be any high levels, no scopes, no cheaters (maybe some) but not from the past patches, I love started over, damn you FC/Gamigo thingy!

  6. #6

  7. #7


    you are wrong guys

    Frank, Sektion Online Games, gamigo AG, 29-04-2002 :
    "Korrekt, mit dem Account mit dem Du jetzt schon auf RK1&2 spielst kannst Du Dir auf dem deutschen Server nach dessen Start einfach Chars erstellen und spielen."

    I'll try to translate it in English as close as possible:
    "After the launch of the German server you can create characters there
    using your current account, which you are using now to play on RK1&2"

    Quantar MP 112
    RK1 Omni

  8. #8
    Hell, the server is housed in the same place as RK1 and 2 and is leeching bandwidth, so hell, why not let accounts play on all 3?

    It's not like there's any reason to play at this point anyway...

    Level 77 Clan fixer.

    Trellame ought to be sainted or made a deity or something. I mean, seriously.

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