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Thread: test patch notes and XP loss

  1. #1

    test patch notes and XP loss

    I noticed the most recent patch notes on test include a change in the XP loss system. where originally it was no xp loss from 30 they have brought it down to lvl 20

    now... why not listen to the players. look at your poll. the majority of players voted lvl 10 because they wanted even lower than that or for it to stay how it is now.

    we are not looking for comprimise here
    level 20 is still too high. the only change that should go through is the number of charges on the treatment packs and 1st aid

    bring it all the way down please... not just to level 20.
    show you are listening to us.. not just trying to appease us

  2. #2

    Take it all the way down to level 1 while you're at it.
    Death is already only slightly annoying in AO. Go any further and you might as well just make us all immortal.

  3. #3
    Would be nice to see a "poll" actually listened to for once.
    If you are going to make death totally pointless until Level 20 then why not start new characters at Level 20?

  4. #4
    It's obvious, they want new subscriptions - which imho is ok. So they want to make the game easier to start with - which imho is ok. So they switch on the babysitting-mode for new players, so they will not cancel their subscriptions after one month just because they got killed two times losing the hell of 2k xp in total - which imho is NOT ok.


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