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Thread: Mousellooook ?!?!?!

  1. #1

    Mousellooook ?!?!?!

    I cant believe it...No Mouselook in a game like that?!?!?!?!?!
    Please tell me that its possible to configure mouselook...I dont mean that senseless rightclick thing, that only works in that Perfect(haha)-Egoperspective! - I mean permanent mouselook like in ANY other 3d-game...

    Thx in davance

    ps: if I´m right (what I dont hope), MAKE MOUSELOOK, its really a shame without...

  2. #2


    Have you noticed how much u actually use your
    mouse in this game? I mean, it would be nice to
    toggle mouselook on and off at your own accord,
    but a permanent mouselook would screw up many
    things. Especially now that so many players have
    gotten used to the current controls.

    Just a thought...
    Chip "Kithid" Lounger
    Executive | The Mockers (EG)
    A Fixer clan
    Partner of the Smokers Lounge syndicate

  3. #3
    You can mouse look in this game. Just click and hold the right mouse key. I use it all the time.

  4. #4
    1st person wiev. Hold down right mouse button, use shift to lock key/mouse button, release right mouse button before releasing shift and u wont have to hold it down all the time.

  5. #5

    Oki thx, but:

    k, i got that only thing i dont understand at all: in egopersp it works fine, but egopersp isnt really the choice to play a game like that...

    Im only able to move left/right in 3rd persp, WHY ?!?! no up and down?! In ego i can look in all directions, in 3rd person not? I dont want to play that game in ego, its somehow ****ty...

    after that answer i know what i wanted thx a lot

  6. #6
    Firstperson, use the right click hold
    Thirdperson use the numpad to move the camera

    if you want to change teh current positnion of the camera press 5 on the numpad.

    if you want to chane the type of the camera (ie always behind the char) press crtl f8 to go through the different camera types. (this is very useful in those crazy rooms where you can't can an angle that is useful)

  7. #7
    nm, wish i could delete posts

  8. #8
    k, thx!

    so i got it...i have to use the keypad in 3rd person...


    Why cant i move up and down in 3rd person, when i hold the mousebutton?? That’s the thing...i can move in all directions in egopersp, and i can look left/right but not up/down in 3rd person? hm...

    in this beautiful outside areas I WANT TO LOOK AROUND AND WATCH THE SKY AND SO

  9. #9

    Talking Mouse look in 3rd person

    Hold CTRL then hit F8 .. it changes to chase cam.. then you can use your mouse :P

  10. #10


    JUHUUU!!! Thx to all of you

    Its just holding CTRL and holding right mousebutton...then u have free mouselook in 3rd Person )

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