this is a idea i have been tossing around for a while so here goes

it would basicaly work the same missions with a few notable diferances

mobs would be optional with only a nominal reward being that they are part of the chalenge and not the goal in and of itself

supresion gas lvls would be setable so that you could have guild fights against other of the same faction or have omni vs. clan boughts

i think this would highly increase the fun of the game and increase ppls intrest in pvp. as it stands there is no such thing team pvp or other organized events among guilds i think a areana type style where only those who had a duped key could enter is what alot of ppl are looking for

to get this going would take minimal resources being that most of the curent mission rooms would make ideal battle fields with a simple option of a focus on large rooms or small rooms where you could use tactics like using los agains oponenets.

just my two cents i thought i would throw this out there and see what you all thought