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Thread: Remove NODROP from rust-pitted rings!

  1. #1

    Remove NODROP from rust-pitted rings!

    Since these items are so difficult to acquire, as they may possibly not be dropping anymore, how about removing the NODROP status from them so we can trade them?

    Cause, I have 2 that I'd like to sell, or trade for one of the new agent items in the next patch, but I can't trade them as things currently stand!

  2. #2
    And, these are very nice rings. You can wear 2 at once:

    Name Rust-pitted Ring
    Description This ring looks to be very old. Just touching it leaves a residue of rust on your fingers. Despite looking like it is going to fall apart at any minute, it seems to almost buzz with contained power. When worn, your health is greatly augmented as your regenerative nanobots are supercharged.

    Slot right finger, left finger
    QL 100
    Requirements body development 101
    level 81

    Effects modify self max health 220

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Originally posted by w1cket01
    where do you get them?

    As usual funcom nerfs it, and the drop is so rare (about 1/50) that it's pretty much a stupid concept to camp it. (spawn is 2 hours, so 100 hours of camping for one ring, or 200 for both (aka about 10 days)

  5. #5
    I'm not so sure if it's a good idea to remove the NODROP flag. It's hard to get now, imagine what it's like when it attracts the ebayers and those people who camp and trade those items for many millions of credits.

    Make 'em UNIQUE and have Tri-Plumbo spawn every 10 mins instead. And drop chance >50%.

  6. #6
    Oh, and side: neutral. Muahaha.

  7. #7
    No Drop= Ebay farmers.

    Bad idea. Make them no drop and you can give up all hope of ever getting one.

  8. #8
    You already can't get them, as the drop rate on them is so low (1 time in 50 or whatever) that you'll never reasonably get one.

    But if they weren't NODROP, you could get two, as I could trade you mine

  9. #9
    It would be much, much, much worse if they were no drop.

    Instead of having to kill tri pumblo 20 times to get two rings, you won't get to kill him at all... That simple really.

    There will be a couple level 180+ characters down there 24/7 farming rings for their alts and everyone they know.

  10. #10
    Make em drop more often, I killed the Plumbo about 60 times before I got one....
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