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Thread: Exp loss poll?

  1. #1

    Question Exp loss poll?

    Why was a poll posted asking what level exp lose should start at? The overwhelming majority seems to feel that level 10 is fine, but a quick log into the test server shows that this poll was pretty much completely ignored. So what was the point in even asking?

    A game without exp lose is a boring game. It is akin to playing a single player game in god/cheat mode and everyone knows how long that holds your interest. So why the change?
    Flann - Doctor
    Kwoung - Martial Artist
    Acidwash - Fixer (semi-retired)
    Rubi-Ka 2
    The Descendants

  2. #2
    I have said this many times after "proposed patch notes" appear.
    They are not open for discussion, what you see is what you are going to get.
    The odd exception is somethings get dropped, but things do not get changed.
    The forum's to discuss "proposed changes" are a complete waste of time as the current system is as follows:

    1. Propsed patch notes appear
    2. Forum to discuss notes is created
    3. Forum is filled with valid reasons why a change should not be made or better ideas.
    4. Forum is closed
    5. Servers are patched exactly as they were "proposed" in the first place.

    Our discussions, ideas and the like fall on deaf ears, but I've just got used to this being Funcom's game and letting them get on with it.
    OSI used to be the same with UO, however it was nice to see towards the end of my UO time that propsed changes were posted, serious objections were posted and on more than one occasion the propsed changes were changed from the original concept.

    I kind of feel it would save everybody a lot of time if Funcom simply posted patch notes with the patch, saves us wasting our time trying to get over valid points.

  3. #3

    Unhappy Cause

    Because it is just another way the Funcom is "dumbing down" the game. Between this and the inability to "think" and prepare your way of equipping (ie. overequip removal) and the endless series of missions with practially no danger of being killed and the destruction of really the only viable high level hunting (medusas) etc...
    Seems to me they should change the name of game from Anarchy Online to Doom Online because that is all the game seems to be now.... Missions = Doom single player... PvP = Doom multiplayer...

  4. #4
    I agree...

    if they are going to leave the patch notes as they are after the majority of players dissagree with good reason. Then the least they can do is offer a reasonable explanaition as to why

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