I recieved this news in my email this morning

many of you wont care, but maybe there are some aikidoka on the boards who haven't heard this yet.

This guy was one of my heros

"It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Morihiro Saito Sensei in Iwama, Japan early Monday morning, May 13, 2002. Saito Sensei was truly one of the giants of modern aikido and his strong presence
will be sorely missed. This editor was among the thousands of students touched by Saito Sensei during his lifetime.

His son and successor Hitohiro Saito Shihan plans to hold a private funeral for family members shortly and a formal ceremony to be held in Japan in about one month's time. He asks that anyone planning to go to Japan to pay their respects attend the formal funeral to be announced soon.

For those interested in learning more about Saito Sensei, here are two
articles available on our website:

Stanley Pranin"