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Thread: I'd LOVE to see the mini-map improved.

  1. #1

    Arrow I'd LOVE to see the mini-map improved.

    Suggestions and ideas for mini-map:
    • Current coordinates continually updated and displayed.
    • Arrow that runs along the border of the mini-map that points in the direction you need to go to reach your target (even if the target is on the mini-map itself). I'm guessing we'd need a separate arrow just for uploaded mission coordinates.
    • Make the mini-map separatable from the menu system so we can click and drag it wherever we want to on the screen.
    • Resizeble!

    Just a start I imagine.

    Maybe eventually we'll be able to send a small package of waypoints which can be uploaded to the mini-map to direct people to places.

  2. #2

    Talking ...

    Bump ... nice

  3. #3
    I like it, but lots of other stuff will be added into random parts of the game first, then FC needs to find a way to make server crashes look like it was your comps promlem .

  4. #4
    Good ideas. Make it an adventurer buff!

  5. #5


    1. Make the minimap zoom able.
    2. Allow us to make custom flag (even only one flag) on minimap when you drag it around, also display the direction arrow from our position to that flag.

  6. #6

    Thumbs up

    I want markers, more than one. Either set them with the mouse or enter coords. You could save all that in prefs, I'd love to mark up my commonly visited zones with points of interest.

    Also the option to save a mission map until its done. Just put it on the client. Worst case scenario, 3 maps to save.

    Its a MAP, if Rand McNally could do it in the 1900s, FC can do it for the 30000s. It should be part the the game, plain and simple.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  7. #7
    People were doing maps long before us, why can't the maps in the future be more flexible???

    they could even impletment the marker ability and the zoom ability for the mini-map as map upgrades,

    I'd raise my navigation to zoom out on a map. I'd say out is more needed than in, since especialy in a yalmaha, you can see further than your map shows.
    Deagnor 204 Solitus Fixer (Omni) Director of R.U.R.
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    Sig updated Sept 2, 2008

  8. #8

  9. #9

    Lightbulb OH NOH!! A BUMP!!

    RETIRED:Cassondra "Hotsy" Magistrale, Proud General of OPEC
    And a gazillion other chars

    Member of the Grumpy Old Crat Bunch
    Bureaucrats, Broken as intended
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    P.S. i didn't proof read this, or check for spelling, I wouldn't want to Nerf my post by actually Fixing the problems.

    This post is fucntioning "As Intended" that means i don't have to fix any problems with it. (Snipped from pooncrat).

  10. #10

    Thumbs up

    This idea is worth a big bump.

  11. #11

  12. #12

    Thumbs up

    In addition to whar Zero said:

    Instead of the *tiny* (at least at high rez) directional arrow, replace it with a yellow pointer that clocks around the edge of the display. It is really hard to see that sucker now.

  13. #13
    I want a map upgrade that draws a yellow line from our current position to the mission destination.

    I want a map upgrade that allows us to mark our own spot on the map using a chat line command like: "/mark 500, 1000" that would set a mission like spot on the map with a relevant compass indicator.

    I would like both these map upgrades to not cost a ridiculous amount of map nav to run. There is currently nothing in between map reader upgrade: people at like 80 map nav, and map reader upgrade: side at like 500 map nav.

    Like maybe 200 for the yellow line and 250 for the one that lets you set your own coords.

    I would also like the map reader to show the mission objective on the map once you reach 100% chance of getting a token.

    And DEFINITELY DEFINITELY stop erasing the damn mission map every time I zone out or lose connection. Can't you save the damn things on the client?

  14. #14
    I would LOVE the zoom feature like Leumas stated, would make it a lot easier figuring out how far away from a mission I am.

  15. #15
    Originally posted by puddle
    I would like both these map upgrades to not cost a ridiculous amount of map nav to run. There is currently nothing in between map reader upgrade: people at like 80 map nav, and map reader upgrade: side at like 500 map nav.
    The Monster upgrade requires 130 map nav, that's hardly nothing between 80 and 450.

    I do agree we need more minimap stuff, though.
    Originally posted by Whaambulance

    This is singlehandedly the stupidest post I have EVER read on these forums. Congradulations.
    'Balancing' Nanos Will Remain Imbalanced Vs. Old Nanos - Because We Said So!

    O Gaute, Gaute! Wherefore art thou Gaute?
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    Or, if thou wilt not, be but on the forums,
    And I'll no longer be a whiner.

  16. #16

    i want annotatable maps

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