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Thread: Get rid of mission camping !

  1. #1

    Arrow Get rid of mission camping !

    Wasn't Omnibot ( Shopbot ) an almost perfect solution ?

    From my experience if you play 1-2 hours every day,
    in 2 weeks usually you could get a full suit of every armor,
    any NF, or whatever you want ( exept really rare items like GA, NS, etc )
    When Omnibot was there, i NEVER needed to do a single mission
    for Armor part or NF.

    The only thing Funcom should do is to copy Omnibot and add it to the game.
    Would it be so difficult ?
    And Omnibot is realistic as well.

    For other things....
    I have another idea ( in addition to Omnibot )
    Imagine, you login in AO, you are in your appartment
    ( i dont mean always, just because you logged out there yesterday )
    You go to you personal terminal, may be pay a fee ( say 10x or 20x of missions fee ),
    a friendly guide appear at you display ( or even as holoprojection )
    -"How can i help you, my friend?"
    You type whatever you need and get and the guide answer like either:
    A. "I'm sorry, but i could not find it, neither in shop nor as mission reward,
    try later please" -
    - means there is NO USE to try it again in 5 min, no terminal camping,
    but a good chance tomorrow.
    It could be like 25%-75% up to the kind of item
    ( i'm not talking now about ultra-rare )
    B. "I found the item you asked for, it's in <...>, coords <...>,
    the price is <...>, should i buy it for you ?
    You still need to go there any get the item"
    ( like shop )
    C. "I found somone, who would give you this item,
    if you do some work for him/her."
    ( like mission )

    If you think, it would be too easy,
    and everyone would level too fast -
    add some tasks to do, but something, that is at least a bit challenging.
    For example in case of missions:
    "OK, you can have this mission, but to get it first you need to meet with the person,
    who gives you this mission,
    say in Perpetual Wasterlans or EFP" *grin*

    May be the same with shops, for example you come in the shop
    to get the item you even already payed for but the shopkeeper tells you:
    "i'm sorry, but because of some mistake we moved this item to our outpost in Mort
    You can get it from there or sure we give you your credits back.
    Or you can come tomorrow, we will probably have it back here then"
    "i'm sorry, but the item has been stolen and now the person <...>
    around coord. <...> in Mort has it; you would have to kill him/her anyway to get it.
    You can get it from him/her or sure we can give you your credits back."
    ( in this case there should be some mechanism so you can kill this person
    only if you did not asked for "money back",
    for example if you kill this person anyway there would be some penalty )

    It would be realistic and it would be fun imo.

    *bump* if you like it

    /Quantar MP 102
    RK1 Omni

  2. #2
    hm... nobody bump my thread

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