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Thread: No XP from mobs in missions...

  1. #1

    No XP from mobs in missions...

    Mobs standing in acid pools etc, in cave missions. If a mob is standing in one when it is killed by a player, the player gains no XP. The workaround is to pull the mob out of the slime. Still...pretty odd bug if you ask me.

  2. #2

    Re: No XP from mobs in missions...

    Additionally, the mob doesn't count toward the mission token, so you lose all around.


  3. #3
    This is related to acid, but it's not the only condition that causes it to happen - it's the damage over time element, I think, that causes it.

    I say that because in an office mission, if a mob dies from a damage shield, you don't get experience all the time, either.

    Yes, very odd and annoying bug.

  4. #4
    It happens with the acid because all that time the mob was standing there taking 3 damage and immediately healing, it was counting towards damage to the mob. Once the total damage done to it goes over 50% (or whatever the percentage is) of the mob's hit points, you won't get any xp. Same rule applies to players, if Player A and Player B are attacking, and Player A does 50% of the damage to a mob, he'll get full xp while Player B gets little or none.

    Doesn't mean the acid thing isn't stupid, though.
    Originally posted by Whaambulance

    This is singlehandedly the stupidest post I have EVER read on these forums. Congradulations.
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