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Thread: Please say the 3 new agent rifles in 14.2 database will be in 14.2, plz!

  1. #1

    Please say the 3 new agent rifles in 14.2 database will be in 14.2, plz!

    Can we get any confirmation that the new sniper rifles and xbows will be ingame next patch please:-/

    Custom KIWD 37 Hunter Crossbow (200)
    Custom KIWD 38 Sniper Crossbow (200)
    Superior Yatamutchy X-3 Counter-Sniper Rifle (200)
    Zastaba Velocity SX - Special Forces (200)
    Assassins FDA Caterwaul 913 (200)

    some of these look awsome


  2. #2
    Really like that Hunter Crossbow. Maybe dump the Aimed Shot IP's on my Agent and put them into something useful.

  3. #3
    A yatamuchi has dropped from a Boss mob on Test. It is in-game

    Not sure about the rest though

  4. #4
    Any stats available on those toys ?

  5. #5

    Thumbs up

    Live and breathe here.

    The yatamutchy is a nice new pure rifle. Finally, something to kill the Ranee.

    200 YMCS
    1-464 (496)
    Clip 20
    Range 35
    12 Rifle
    12 Aimed
    24 Perception

    188 OET Ranee
    13-416 (584)
    Clip 5
    Range 28
    30 Dodge
    30 Evade
    20 Sense

    I know which one I'd use after 14.2

    With pure rifles, agents get a higher attack, and less implants to waste. Shotgun takes shining strength, bright MC/TS and faded Agility/Stam/Biomet. It also caps lower, being dark blue. Getting 100% boost from rifle buffs instead of 67% doesn't hurt either. Its sad that dual skill weapons suffer like this (they should really be 70/40% to give a 10% boost for the fact they take two skills) but not at least theres a good alternative.

    I'd pair a YMCS with the TIM scope myself.

    Its nice to see funcom taking a step in the right direction on a new weapon.

    Note: I don't really care about its value pvp, at least not the title-hungry pvp everyone else does.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  6. #6
    Actually I dont think I will use the x-3 post patch xcept for pvm maybe. Its still too slow,which made me drop the Ranee,and sports too few specials for PvP.
    Have to wait bit & see what actually goes live,but I think rifles wil lstill be the second best choice for agents. It will still be all bout big crits & specials, and the possible ways to get as many of those in as short time as possible, dont be deluded to think otherwise. And the X-3 is not an option for that...

  7. #7

    post patch - ithaca snakemaster = best agent weapon?

    so you think snakemaster will continue to be the "best" agent weapon after the patch?

    Kinda sux to use a "pure" shotgun weapon instead of rifle skill if you ask me......

  8. #8
    As it stand today,and seems to be post patch, sacrificing some attackrtg using another weapon than rifle, will see at least a highlvl agent better off, which is horrible sad. Really had hoped that it would be changed this patch, but alas...

  9. #9


    xcept for pvm maybe
    I don't breathe air either, except for the 23 hours and 58 minutes a day I'm not holding my breath
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

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