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Thread: Fixers, rejoice? Hackable armor revealed...

  1. #1

    Fixers, rejoice? Hackable armor revealed...

    From the old pre-14.2 database:

    Now in 14.2:

    It would appear that we can now hack tank armor to remove some of the negative effects. It says 48 hours, which is a pretty dang long amount of time.... you might outgrow it before it runs out of juice! Rejoice Fixers, we will still be around in 14.2 at least to hack stuff for other people

    An example of the Q200 hacked item:

    Overtuned High-Quality Heavy Tank Armor

    NOTE: A Hacked Item that will crash around 48 worn (played) hours after construction! This is a very powerful piece of armor. It can be worn on top of another suit of armor
    . [same description as before]
    Type armor
    Slot back
    QL 200
    Value 0 [ can't sell after hacking! ]

    stamina 576
    strength 526

    modify self chemical ac 250
    modify self cold ac 750
    modify self energy ac 1000
    modify self fire ac 875
    modify self melee ac 1000
    modify self nano init -50 [added by hack]
    modify self poison ac 250
    modify self projectile ac 1000
    modify self radiation ac 250


    The un-hacked item:

    modify self chemical ac 250
    modify self cold ac 750
    modify self dodge ranged -50 [removed by hack]
    modify self duck explosives -50 [removed by hack]
    modify self energy ac 1000
    modify self evade clsc -50 [removed by hack]
    modify self fire ac 875
    modify self melee ac 1000
    modify self nano cost modifier 0 [removed by hack]
    modify self poison ac 250
    modify self projectile ac 1000
    modify self radiation ac 250
    modify self run speed -50 [removed by hack]

    - Zoldax, 98 Fixer, RK1

  2. #2
    I like it..why? OK so it lowers nano init..Ok that sucks..but honestly I have only one nano I ever need to fire off in a massive hurry, and that's an evac..and those won't be hurt THAT bad by this..the increase to evades and such is a godsend though..makes tank armor viable for fixers...
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  3. #3
    Coats are still better..

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Kasimir
    I like it..why? OK so it lowers nano init..Ok that sucks..but honestly I have only one nano I ever need to fire off in a massive hurry, and that's an evac..and those won't be hurt THAT bad by this..the increase to evades and such is a godsend though..makes tank armor viable for fixers...
    I think you misunderstood, Kasimir. We're not hacking it for ourselves....but for other profs. So we have a use. See?

    lvl 67 Fixer

  5. #5
    ahhh.. finaly we can stop wearing those butt ugly coats that looks like they where made by someones grandma..
    Operation impending doom 2 seems to have started with patch 15.6.5
    12.6 first contact, 14.6 second attempt, 16.6 Invasion of the gabber bots ?
    Old and bitter player, currently playing: Justincase GA4 wearing phix0r
    Originally posted by Cz
    I already saw this thread, but refrained from answering due to the pleasant show of confidence from Lumin.
    Sing a song for FunCom

  6. #6
    we have a use...

    "donating for a SoW in the east tunnel!"

    hehe 3 points to anyone who remembers that hell..I've always wondered why our runbuffs aren't as lucrative as the EQ ones were.

    But seriously, ARE to coats better? I have a few 70ish tank armors from missions sitting around...would give me an excuse to mission for them...
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  7. #7

    Doesn't even come close to EQ's slowness!

    Aye, I remember many a day of begging for SOW's or hanging with my Druid friend because would buff us for free...

    With all its faults, AO has eliminated the problem plaguing all MMORPGS to various degrees: travelling great distances.

    I remember trying to travel from Greater Faydark to Freeport (tough enough as it is for a newbie) then to Qeynos. It was damn near impossible to do it without dying, and it was quite a walk... easily over an hour or more depending on your knowledge of the path.

    When was the last time you walked anywhere at a great distance? How many times have you walked from Tir to Newland city? Once you get a Yalm somewhere level 30 to 60 the amount of time it takes to fly anywhere on RK is under 20 minutes. Even out to the eastern border of Belial Forest.

    I'm not complaining about the wompa system (esp 14.2, we can get to TLR dungeon in under 5 minutes now! Whee!) but it does obviate the Fixer's runbuffs to a great degree. Nowhere to go that requires speed, no reason to pay for a buff.

    Now if Yalm speed scaled with a run buff, that would be great. Make my Grid Surfer worth something for once! At the moment they're all pegged at 1400 fly speed.

    - Zoldax, 100 Fixer, RK1

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