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Thread: Getting lost

  1. #1

    Getting lost

    i have a lev 15 ma,this game is fun but i get lost every where are there any maps?? i dont know anyone that plays any more or even whatv has potential to be a great game sucks because i spen most of my time causes problems taking certain missions also....any ideas or sights i can get reliable maps??

  2. #2
    you will soon learn the game world, dont worry.
    My lungs arent blackened by tar, they're blackened by SIN!

  3. #3


    f9 is your friend.

    basically learn coords. at lvl should have all the maps you really need till you lvl a bit more. if you are clan u should have athens and the outlaying areas, tir and the outlaying areas. and newland city (not sure about newland desert as there wasnt a map for it when i first started...or maybe i have that backwards)

    get your map skill to 130 soon. gets u all the good map upgrades (cept sides) and lets you get a good portion of the maps. at lvl 184 i still dont have ALL the maps.

    f9 gives you coords. i use a notebook and a pen. write down where u started from and learn coords and how they work. hitting f9 often lets you figure our where u r going and how to get back.

    good luck.

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