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Thread: Concealment in pvp why this is bad

  1. #1

    Exclamation Concealment in pvp why this is bad

    Okay these my feeling for this they do actually make a lot sense if you understand my english. For one lets take concealment. Near impossible for any class's preception match that of any classes concealment. Look at your 1K boards they add nice amount to concealment. Few simple implants adds little more. Not forget about Pronoucement of Greatness (Other) and the new agent concealment buff for others. So this will basically allow any class use concealment effectively. Now imagine yourself in mmd. Like usual you will have your 75% campers and few will run around 25% trying get them follow them. I like run around 25% in mmd in hopes people will follow me. Now will you want run around in 25% with concealed people all over? No I sure wont. Now lets take into effect the extra ganking that will now occur if pvp match were take place. I hide arena wait for someone have match. They never know I'm there I jump out kill them. Ganking is bad enough already. Concealment is fine as it is in pvp. You dont show up on map. If were start sneaking down open hall way why would I just all suddenly become invisible? Maybe if you were to sneak someone wouldn't hear your footsteps as you sneak but if were happen turn my head and look at you I sure would see you as before you didn't show up map till you were looked at. As it is I have hard enough problem trying to enjoy pvp this will just make it worse. If you like camping zones, waiting few extra hour get some pvp action going and ganking people this patch is for you 100%.

  2. #2
    Yeah, it may become a bit weird. Depending on how things turn out perception may become an IP-sink for anyone who likes PvP, if it proves useful/necessary that is. Sure it will be used for the new scopes too...

    Chances are that this will sink PvP even further, however, being able to hide from others has been requested a lot and now 'we' will get it...

  3. #3
    Use SEARCH.

    Most times you will find people. Even if they DO have 2000 in conceal.
    Don't be lonely anymore.

    Look at your post, now back at mine. Now back to your post, now back at mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine, but if you stopped trolling and started posting legitimate comments it could look like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through posts, reading the posts your posts could look like. Back at mine, it's a reply saying something you want to hear. Look again, my reply is now diamonds. Anything is possible when you think before you post.

  4. #4
    Blanch, I think you're overestimating the effectiveness of concealment.

    From my experience at the test server, you do have quite a good chance of spotting sneaking players if you use the search command, even if your opponent has considerably higher concealment skill than you have perception. And even if your perception skill is low and you have a small search radius, you always do detection checks automatically every few seconds or so in your visual range area (with a lower detection chance). From my experience, people tend to pop up sooner or later.

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