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Thread: More IPR info

  1. #21

    Re: Re: Re: The 90 IPR's only comes at the beginning

    Originally posted by fugee_la

    It's a fair cop innit, mister? My bad
    It realy was no flame. I tried to be funny. I think
    Rubi-Ka's FiRST Neophyte Enforcer - Holder of Spoon - Stirring the pot - Pumpkin' Pie anyone?
    >Wo "Caol" Ha - 187 ENF | >Thzunami - 97 MA | >Wo "Dioxy" Ha - 30 TRA | In memory of The Council

    Jayde's Item Database - All you'll ever need -

    "BACK AWAY" - Pogobear / Skymarshal

  2. #22
    Originally posted by reality
    A bit strange perhaps that you get more IPR points at higher levels. It's at the lower levels that you make IP mistakes, not the other way around.

    It's at the higher levels that you have the experience to make a decent choice as to what needs to be fixed. Give the newbie the bulk of his IPR and he may make the same mistakes he made with his IP.

    Also having the bulk of points at high level allows you to refocus your character from a PvM to a PvP based.

  3. #23

    Re: I'm just dying to find out...

    Originally posted by Greenhawk
    ... what will happen when folks find out they are missing thousands of IPs from the IP-eating bug... or if Funcom is going to be smart enough to, when you press that "YES" Button, make sure you have at least the correct number of IP.
    I'm about 99% convinced this is *why* they did it this way. I've even heard rumors about "friends of friends" who work for FC and stated this was the case ... rumors are always gonna be around, but this makes sense--that "total IPR" change in 14.2 doesn't reset *your* IPR, it resets the IPR a character of your race and profession would have for your level.


  4. #24

    Re: More IPR info

    Originally posted by Scorus
    You will retain all your current IP Reset points if you use this option. This offer stands only in the period between 14.2 and the launch of 14.4!!
    Doesn't that say that you will have individual points left over? Sounds like you can still reset individual skills too.
    Read folks

  5. #25

    Re: Re: More IPR info

    Originally posted by DoctorEarl
    Doesn't that say that you will have individual points left over? Sounds like you can still reset individual skills too.
    Read folks
    I believe people are upset that they won't get the 90 points that Funcom had originally announced. They wanted the ability to try new weapons and such and go back to others if they didn't like them. Now it is just for major skillpath changes.


  6. #26
    you may not get 90, but you'll still have some yes? this allows for trial and error from what I see.... oh well, I guess we can either test on test, or wait until live

  7. #27
    You do get 'some' yes - 15 over the entire lifespan of a character. To me, that doesn't seem like a lot.

    I was planning with my adventurer (rider user, not happy with that choice) to try bow and 2he with this patch. Since the adventurer patch will come at some point after the initial reset opportunity, I don't have any guidance as to what might or might not be beefed up for the class. This character is level 95, so will have 5 IPR. Even I accept the initial reset, I will not be able to feasibly try both, since one is ranged and one is melee. So, including inits, and a few specials required to equip, it's not unlikely I'd need to not only use all 5 IPR, but also end up squandering some of my normal IP pool.

    All in all, this lack of flexibility is one more major disappointment in a patch that contains quite a few of them, for me.

  8. #28
    maybe funcom should not announce and talk so much or ??

    i dont wonder if funcom talks alot and prokmises alot makes people happy, then take all back.

    Funcom >>>>> unprofessionell

  9. #29
    Welcome to total cookie cutter land.

    Anyone with brains will be reading the various boards for their professions, talking to high level people and making a choice about what weapon and armour is best for their profession. Come reset many of them will pick the same ones.

    As a beginner you choose what is available, what looks cool and what you fancy. 100 levels later you think damn, wish I hadn't chosen *this*. Many of those variations will be wiped out.

    The only way to have IP reset without ensuring people all jump on the current favourite weapon and armour combo is to allow people to take a risk (multiple reset of the same skill) and find out if things actually work.

    It's good we are getting IPR for those people who are gimped by weapon changes but it is almost guaranteed to reduce diversity.

  10. #30

    Re: More IPR info

    Originally posted by Scorus
    This is from TestLive's patch notes:

    2. "NO" By pressing this you will never be prompted again, and you forfeit this option forever. Note: All requirements for the normal IP Reset system apply - un-equipping items etc. You will retain all your current IP Reset points if you use this option. This offer stands only in the period between 14.2 and the launch of 14.4!!
    This part is not user-friendly.
    I want this part made mistake proof - I'm afrade of the mistake like pushing "NO" buttan without knowing I'm forfiting it.
    Does FC expect the user to read every thing they pronpt three times before acting on it?
    There are many non- native English speakers playing this thing.

    the 90 points to one time offer change is fine, but
    I think it is better to give the pronpt every time until the user use it or the pach time expires.

  11. #31
    You can still experiment - just use the 'normal' IPR points - that's what they're for.

    While it would have been kinda fun to have the 90 points, in a way it would have been like switching on a 'god' mode for a few weeks - you get to try everything in the game at your level (armor, weapons, nanos) and there's no incentive to 'bravely switch' to something new. People would have been resetting skills, dumping them all in NP, making implants, switching back. pumping some unused stats to equip some uber armor and switching back, upping B&E to loot high chests for a few levels then switching back, etc. etc. - It would have become really silly.

    I think they did the right thing going for the one time reset. While it sounds kinda fun to be able to endlessly mess around with your stats, it would probably make the game a worse experience. Kinda like giving people the ability to set their level - would be fun for all of 2 days then you'd probably just get bored. If you want to experiment then use the points you're earning at each title level. At level 100 you'll have 8 IPR points and you'll have been able to already use the full reset to correct any mistakes - that's still quite a bit of room to play around with skills...

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