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Thread: Has anyone played this game online?

  1. #1

    Has anyone played this game online?

    My son plays the game Lineage the Bloodpledge, now I sat down and watched him play this game and it is clearly a game aimed at 13-16 year old kids. What I cannot believe is, it has over 3 MILLION users subscribed to it at 15.00 a month!!!! Then I found out that most of the subscribers are in Asia. The reason I bring this up is, to tell you not to waste the time with the large is just horrible. The famed Lord British has just come on board (from UO fame) and is bombarding every computer magazine with advertisements on how great the game is. However, Computer Gaming Monthly finally looked at it and here is what they had to say.
    I would really like my son to give it up...but, it his allowance that he uses to pay for it, and he does great in school. So I allow him to keep it.
    Anyway just a heads up so as not to be suckered in to the download.

  2. #2


    I will confirm that it is a horrible game, however Koreans cant get much better in the way of playable MMORPGs. Yes they do have a very large number of subscribers (more then all the MMORPGS on the market put together) but they wont tell you how many of accounts are active, I wonder why.. I've read articles about Koreans taking the game VERY seriously, as in gangs forming and beating each other up over it, even killing each other... Anyways if you live in the US or Europe I highly suggest you get something much better for your money. EQ, DAoC and UO all support European servers (Not sure about AC), and AO will have a German server soon. However if your stubborn I welcome you to try out Lineage for yourself and see how it makes you sick after playing for a day...

    EDIT P.S. Oh yea forget to add I used to have respect for Lord British (Richard Garriot) until he started MMORPG hopping and milking the wealthiest game for the money...
    Level 60 Martial Artist
    Rubi Ka 1

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