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Thread: Finally........

  1. #21

    Re: This would throw unbalance in the game

    Originally posted by Blanch
    You would make healers almost impossible to kill now. Shotguns now be basically a waste. MA's would be something to phear in pvp. People who use nukes will be a lot more powerful. People would now have much greater chance running for a zone etc. I dont really care if they do it didn't plan keep using shotgun it would only make me more powerful. Though I dont like this in pvm at all. Mobs have enough hp as it is and having get 30 mill exp shouldn't be a week long thing.
    People with heals (except for MA) will also be affected, they too will have to hit their target a lot more before they bite the dust, so I really don't see any difference. Shottie wearing (not all, some) people will do low damage and do an insane crit now and then.

    And about using 1 week to level, well actually I think leveling is too fast as it is now. The problem FC is faced with, is their impatient players and players that don't play 24/7 as many people tend to do. BUT with that said, I actually want more quests which may give you 1 level.

    An example: You start off by talking to one bloke in DAV, it's a loner, that wants a mechanical dog. He tells you that he heard about a guy that makes these dogs. You go to the person, and ask him about the mechanical dog, he says that to make the dog, he need 20 different parts, because he's fresh out. He also tells you that you need to go to mort or another place where there are cyborgs. The assignment is to actually kill 1 cyborg, cause he needs the eyes and he figures that the head of the cyborg should be enough.

    From there you are told to go to the longest road, to kill ottos for the skin, you need to kill lots of leets for the fur, blasterbeetles for the legs. When you return those items you get more items that the person needs etc. A quest like that could go on for days.

    Sorry... I'm way off topic and kinda daydreaming.... played Planescape Torment and baldurs gate II maybe a bit too much lately.

    Originally posted by Obergeist
    Because FC doesn't want to p!ss off the current customer base by removing, what has been up until now, a legit item.

    As if you can't find enough reasons to be p!ssed.

    Azzazimon didn't suggest removal, just adjusting the scopes, and I agree with azzazimon, just decrease the scopes, it will be unjust that equipment that some people have now can't be obtainable by players that join later.

  2. #22
    Plantscape Torment...great game =P.


  3. #23
    Originally posted by Federot
    Plantscape Torment...great game =P.
    Best RPG ever, if you ask me. It's about time another game of similar quality and diversity to be released, I'm just waiting for it

  4. #24
    Sjo, I know what Azz was saying.

    Frankly, if they did it, I wouldn't care. But their not. Just another gap between the people playing now, and the up and comers.
    Perfection breeds weakness.

    Obergeist-Burning bright, Above the head ghost

    Mdgprogram-Fearful symmetry <---beat the every lovin' crap out of a level 60 soldier at 49

    Stronger, better, faster, push it

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    General in the Troll Corps tm

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