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Thread: Hotkeys dissapearing?

  1. #1

    Angry Hotkeys dissapearing?

    I just came back to the game after a LONG leave vacation so please bare with me if this is a known issue, or not an isolated incident.

    The last two days Ive spent alot of time getting all my macros remade, script keys, etc. I load them all onto my hotkey bar however it seems that every couple of log ins most or all of them simply dissapear?! Anyone know a fix for this? Its majorly aggrevating to spend the time remaking all my keys, especially when your like me and have roughly 6 full bars worth!

  2. #2
    I have seen this as well. It usually happens right after creating new hot keys. I have found that a few of them will disappear on my next log in then I recreate them and they are fine. I haven't seen a pattern to it and it appears there is no rhyme or reason.

  3. #3
    Yes, it SUCKS...

    Once, when the game crashed it also deleted ALL my Macro's and even reorganized all my nano spells in a terrible unlogical pattern, and removed all my favourites nano's... Took me 1 hour to fix it.. (im a MP)

  4. #4
    The nano spells thin is really a pain. As an engineer I have a ton of bot nano's I am never going to cast again. So I moved them all to the bottom of the T&S pane. Everytime I log in they move up, not all at once mind you. One at a time...It's like they are trying to sneak up there. I stopped trying to organize them.

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